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             HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                                       HISTORY

                                                                                                                                 use of soapsuds and became a trailblazer in antiseptic surgery.1 During   Throughout his 60-year career, Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig Herff worked
        Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig Herff:                                                                                              a time where surgeons washed their hands solely after an operation   tirelessly to amplify the standards of medical practice to what they are

                                                                                                                                                                                       today. His impact serves as an exemplary example of innovation, perse-
                                                                                                                                 rather than before, his hygiene regimen was revolutionary and yielded
        A True Pioneer                                                                                                           a high surgical survival rate.                        verance and compassion. Dr. Herff’s impact remains hugely significant,
                                                                                                                                                                                       establishing him as a pillar of the San Antonio community. His legacy
                                                                                                                                   Dr. Herff was able to evolve the local mindset to view surgery in a
                                                                                                                                 positive light, and soon his waiting room was consistently filled with   will be eternally celebrated by both the Bexar County Medical Society
                                                                                                                                 patients eager to meet him. Not only was Dr. Herff notable for his   and medical history.
        By Gabriella Bradberry
                                                                                                                                 surgical successes, his compassion for the less fortunate had patients
           In 1850, German physician, Ferdinand Ludwig Herff, immigrated to                                                      flocking from as far as 100 miles to receive lifesaving treatment.2   References:
        San Antonio, Texas, where he would establish himself as one of the most                                                  Although he treated many notable patients, he was recognized for   1.  Herff, PF. (1973). San Antonio. In L.L. Barder (Ed.). The
        significant medical pioneers in Texas history. Throughout his 60-year                                                    his great servitude for the indigent. For many years, Dr. Herff was   Doctors Herff: A Three Generation Memoir (Vol I, pp. 34-46).
        career, Dr. Herff built a legacy trademarked by a myriad of surgical feats,                                              unwilling to place monetary values on his services, accepting only the   Trinity University Press
        the establishment of medical practices and organizations, and his role                                                   occasional quarter for treatment. While he eventually had to estab-  2.  Belasco, J. (2015, Mar 2). Herff had major impact on local health
        as a civic leader.                                                                                                       lish proper billing to support his practice and family, his lasting spirit   care. San Antonio Express-News. https://www.expressnews.
           Dr. Herff’s historic chronicle began in 1820 Germany, his birth-                                                      of humanitarianism remained well-known.1 It was reported in 1886   com/150years/education-health/article/Dr-Ferdinand-Herff-
        place and the setting of his adolescence. It was there that he received his                                              that Dr. Herff went on to perform approximately 12 percent of major   had-major-impact-on-local-6103351.php
        education, studying under influential medical scientists, observing and                                                  operations in Texas.2                                 3.  Herff, P. III. (2023, May 11). The Herff Legacy. (Newson, M. &
        learning techniques that would soon fuel his own innovations. In 1843,                                                     The achievements of Dr. Herff stemmed far beyond the sur-  Vela, B.) [Personal communications]
        he demonstrated dexterity for treating tuberculosis and amputations as                                                   gical  accomplishments  within  his  individual  practice.  In  1853,   4.  Stembridge, VA. (2019, Oct 24). Herff, Ferdinand Ludwig. Texas
        a surgeon in the Hessian Army. Eventually in 1847, the political climate                                                 Dr. Herff would become a charter member in the founding of the   State Historical Association Online. https://www.tshaonline.
        in Germany urged Dr. Herff to relocate to new frontiers; thus, he began                                                  Bexar County Medical Society and Texas Medical Association. He   org/handbook/entries/herff-ferdinand-ludwig
        his career as a medical pioneer in San Antonio, Texas.                                                                   would go on to help establish other medical organizations, serve
           Long before the days of modern advancements and urban develop-                                                        on the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, and function as
        ment, San Antonio did not boast the major hospital systems it has today,                                                 an instrumental component in the establishment of San Antonio’s   Gabriella Bradberry is the Admin/Communication Specialist
        and surgical operations were not yet common practice in Texas. As a                                                      first hospital.4                                            for the Bexar County Medical Society.
        result of this early stage of medical evolution, many Texans were fear-
        ful of surgical intervention, much to the distress of doctors and patients
        alike.1 Nonetheless, Dr. Herff knew an able surgeon such as himself
        could save countless lives and continued the pursuit to help all he could.
           Prior to today, doctors did not dedicate their careers to a singular
                                                               Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig Herff, 1820 – 1912
        specialty. Dr. Herff was a prime example of this, essentially practicing
                                                               Courtesy of Patrick Heath Public Library
        everything that piqued his interest. As a result, his surgical resume is
        filled with feats from many different medical areas such as reconstructive  the unfavorable conditions, Dr. Herff ultimately was able to restore
        plastic surgery, ophthalmology, gynecology and beyond.  the formerly blind chief ’s vision. Years later, this achievement would
           Dr. Herff’s career was filled with many firsts. He was one of the first   be further recognized and honored by Lipan warriors. Despite invad-
        surgeons in the United States to successfully perform a hysterectomy,  ing neighboring land, the warriors shot an arrow with a white feather
        execute an appendectomy, recognize hookworm, and perform vision-re-  onto Dr. Herff ’s property as a testament of continuous great respect
        pairing cataract operations.2 Not only did he perform surgeries from  for the doctor.2
        expansive areas of medicine, but his operations also took place at any   Such respected operations granted Dr. Herff a reputation that pre-
        available location; due to necessity and lack of operating rooms, Dr.   ceded him. At the beginning of Dr. Herff ’s Texas medical career, he
        Herff was known to perform surgery in patients’ homes, out in the open   had to fight local superstitions that viewed hospitals solely as a place
        public, and even famously, the Menger Hotel lobby.     to die rather than receive treatment. What made Dr. Herff stand out
           One of his most notable accomplishments occurred during  as an agent of change and gain public trust was his high success rate.                                                                         Dr. Herff (standing second from
        an operation in front of the San Fernando Cathedral.3 Onlookers   During Dr. Herff ’s time working for the Hessian army, he was able                                                                       left) in surgery with his son,
        watched as Dr. Herff performed a cataract removal operation on a   to observe correlations between surgical sanitation and lowered rate                                                                    John (standing fourth from left).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Courtesy of “The Boerne Book” by
        Lipan Apache chief as his assistants fanned away flies. Undeterred by   of patient infection. As a result, Dr. Herff was known for his copious                                                             Brent Evans.

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