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flammatory effects.3 Moderate exercise is when you can comfortably the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. Other foods with
talk, but not sing during exercise. Anti-inflammatory effects are associ- anti-inflammatory benefits include those rich in antioxidants such as
ated with 20-40 minutes of moderate exercise, five times per week. One berries and cruciferous vegetables. “Good” fats such as avocados and
mechanism by which exercise may reduce inflammation is through the olive oil, as well as foods such as nuts, turmeric and dark chocolate can
promotion of fat loss. Adipose (fat) tissue releases molecules called adi- also reduce the amounts of pro-inflammatory chemicals in our bod-
pokines. Adipokines lead to a chronic low-grade state of inflammation ies. One study found that consuming one gram of omega-3 a day can
by triggering the release of chemicals that activate immune cells and reduce the risk of a heart attack by five percent. 12
damage nearby tissue. Adipokines have been associated with diseases Reducing stress is a personalized journey that differs for everyone.
such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. Exercise also stimulates the release Though there is no universal solution, an effective first step is identi-
of chemicals called endorphins in our brain, which reduce stress, and fying our stressors. This allows us to work on managing or resolving
consequently, inflammation. them by spending time with loved ones, attending therapy, mindful-
Complementing sufficient aerobic exercise is a well-rounded diet. ness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and exercise. There are a variety
Consider replacing fried foods, refined carbohydrates and processed of supplements advertised as effective at reducing stress, and further
meats that are known to elevate inflammation with anti-inflammato- research is needed to confirm this. Some supplements that have shown
ry foods. A good mnemonic to remember for those who love fish is promise to lower stress is melatonin (to regulate sleep cycles ; magne-
“SMASH,” abbreviated for Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies, Sardines sium1; and Rhodiola rosea. Through embracing anti-inflammatory
and Herring; these fish contain high amounts of omega-3, a fatty acid lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, diet modification and exer-
our body does not produce, but has important effects in reducing cise, we possess the ability to live a healthy and happier tomorrow.
Dousing the Fire Within
By Gregory Michael Tomlinson, Arunabh Bhattacharya, PhD, and Ramaswamy Sharma, MS, PhD References:
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based on current knowledge. itive cascade of events, resulting in long-term or chronic inflammation. 3. Cerqueira, E, Marinho, DA, Neiva, HP, & Lourenco, O. (2019). an Rhythm and Melatonin in the Treatment of Depression. Curr
Inflammation can be generally defined as the body’s natural response Such chronic inflammation has been associated with many diseases, Inflammatory Effects of High and Moderate Intensity Exer- Pharm Des, 24(22), 2549-2555.
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Our bodies immediately launch an “immune” response, channeling of atherosclerosis that can result in heart attacks. Chronic inflamma- tion, Inflammation and Its Metabolic Consequences, Including A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials. Front
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the broken barrier. The inflammatory process begins when these cells so much so that scientists have coined a term for it, “inflammaging.” It 22.
come across entities that are either new to them or if they associate is thought that reducing chronic inflammation, while preserving the 5. Edwards, D, Heufelder, A, & Zimmermann, A. (2012, Aug).
them with pathogens they have previously encountered. If the immune beneficial effects of short-term inflammation, can profoundly benefit Therapeutic effects and safety of Rhodiola rosea extract WS(R) Gregory Michael Tomlinson is a medical student at the University of
cells are short in numbers, they send out signals to recruit other the quality of life while slowing down the aging process. 1375 in subjects with life-stress symptoms--results of an the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of 2027. He
immune cells traveling in the blood. They work in tandem with these Stress is also associated with inflammation. With continuous stress, open-label study. Phytother Res, 26(8), 1220-1225. https://doi. is passionate about preventative and lifestyle medicine, and interested in
newly recruited immune cells to help neutralize the threat by either our body can release hormones such as adrenaline that can trigger org/10.1002/ptr.3712 pursuing psychiatry or neurology.
engulfing these invaders and killing them, or by secreting proteins and inflammation.7 Chronic stress is also associated with structural chang- 6. Jackson, EM. (2013). STRESS RELIEF: The Role of Exercise
other highly reactive molecules that can destroy them. Unfortunate- es within the brain, and is thought to exacerbate cardiovascular dis- in Stress Management. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 17, Arunabh Bhattacharya, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the University
ly, collateral damage is inevitable and innocent cells that neighbor ease, and worsen depression.9 Clearly, the inflammatory process can go 14–19. of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine. He is passionate
pathogen-infected cells may also die and release their contents, further awry and become unhelpful, even harmful, in these cases. 7. Liu, YZ, Wang, YX, & Jiang, CL. (2017). Inflammation: The about researching factors that influence healthy aging.
amplifying the inflammatory response. As inflammation peaks (called Exercise has an interesting relationship with inflammation. Intense Common Pathway of Stress-Related Diseases. Front Hum Neuro-
acute inflammation), we may observe an increase in heat (calor), pain exercise for 60 minutes or longer can trigger acute inflammation. Sim- sci, 11, 316. Ramaswamy Sharma, MS, PhD, is a Professor at the University of the
(dolor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor) and loss of function (functio ply put, exercise is intense when you are unable to say more than a few 8. Mancuso, P. (2016). The role of adipokines in chronic inflamma- Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine. He is interested in delin-
laesa) in the breached area. However, once the immune cells complete words without gasping for breath as you exercise. However, moderate tion. Immunotargets Ther, 5, 47-56. eating the multiple molecular and cellular roles of melatonin in maintaining
their duties, they release anti-inflammatory substances that help shut physical exercise with appropriate resting periods has strong anti-in- ITT.S73223 our quality of life. Dr. Sharma is a member of the BCMS Publications Committee.
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