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      ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL
           MEDICINE                                                                                                                                                                                                        MEDICINE

                                                                                                                                 are many other ACLM member handouts that provide evidence-based   3.  American College of Lifestyle Medicine (n.d.b.). Food as med-
                                                                                                                                 lifestyle measures.                                      icine jumpstart.
                                                                                                                                   Forks-Over-Knives is a website to support healthy dietary chang-  uploads/2024/01/ACLM-Food-As-Medicine-Jumpstart-8.5x11.pdf
                                                                                                                                 es. There are also several Netflix documentaries we recommend to   4.  Bansal, S, Connolly, M, & Harder, T. (2022). Impact of a whole-
                                                                                                                                 patients: Forks-Over-Knives, Blue Zones, You Are What You Eat and   foods, plant-based nutrition intervention on patients living
                                                                                                                                 The Game Changers.                                       with chronic disease in an underserved community. American
                                                                                                                                   The University of Texas Health San Antonio School of Nursing   Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 16(3), 382-389. https://doi.
                                                                                                                                 has an innovative, data-driven program to help transition patients to   org/10.1177/15598276211018159
                                                                                                                                 a WFPB diet.  The Green Wellness Program: Plants-2-Plate is a six-  5.  Christianson-Silva, P, Benavides, H & Meireles, C. (2023). Using
                                                                                                                                 month, interprofessional lifestyle modification program using shared   shared medical appointments in your practice, The Journal for
                                                                                                                                 medical appointments (SMAs) with a registered nurse, family nurse   Nurse Practitioners, 19 (8), 1-3.
                                                                                                                                 practitioner and registered dietitian. Patients can self-refer or clini-  pra.2023.104709
                                                                                                                                 cians can refer patients through the same website intake form. Patients   6.  Esselstyn, CB. (2001). Resolving the coronary artery dis-
                                                                                                                                 complete an institutionally approved SMA confidentiality agreement.   ease epidemic through plant-based nutrition. Preventative
        Whole Food, Plant-Based Eating Pattern:                                                                                  A comprehensive provider medical appointment is completed with   Cardiology, 4(4). 171-177.
                                                                                                                                 fasting labs at zero, three and six months. Patients meet individually
        A Starting Point for Clinicians                                                                                          with the registered dietitian twice. Education during the 14 SMAs  7.  Lu, I. (2021). Busting nutrition myths: How plant-based diets
                                                                                                                                 (one hour each) is focused on the ACLM six pillars of wellness (whole
                                                                                                                                                                                          are healthy for children & families.
                                                                                                                                 foods/plant-based diet, physical activity, restorative sleep, social con-  busting-nutrition-myths-how-plant-based-diets-are-healthy-for-
        By Heidi L. Benavides, MSN, RN, CMSRN, DNPc, Christiane Meireles, PhD, RDN, LD,                                          nections, stress reduction and avoidance of risky substances), chronic   children-families/
        and Paula Christianson-Silva, DNP, FNP-BC, ANP-BC                                                                        illnesses and a cooking class by a registered dietitian/chef. Education,  8.  Ornish D, Scherwitz, LW, Billings, JH, et al. (1998) Inten-
                                                                                                                                 social support and goal setting are essential aspects of the program.   sive lifestyle changes for reversal of coronary heart dis-
                                                                                                                                 Our results have shown improved health outcomes including weight   ease. JAMA,280(23). 2001-2007.
              Whole Food, Plant-Based (WFPB) eating pattern is an evi-  Transitioning to a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet          reduction, decreased inflammatory markers, improved FibroScans and   jama.280.23.2001
              dence-based modality to prevent, treat and, in some cases,   Transitioning to a WFPB diet can be simple with the right tools   liver function tests, reduced hemoglobin A1Cs, improved energy and   9.  Shah, R, Davis, B, & Katz, DL. (2020). Nourish: The definitive
        A reverse chronic disease. 4, 6, 8, 10   In 2017, there were over 11 mil-  and depends on the patient’s stage of change. Patients may be in the   decreased blood pressure. Self-reported pre- and post-program health   plant-based nutrition guide for families—with tips & recipes for
        lion worldwide deaths due to dietary risk factors that contributed to car-  precontemplation stage, while others are already in the maintenance   and nutrition surveys are completed.   bringing health, joy & connection to your dinner table.
        diovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other causes.   More than   stage. Understanding and reinforcing the patient’s motivation for                                 10. Tuso, PJ, Ismail, MH, Ha, BP, & Bartolotto C. (2013). Nutri-
        50 percent of the dietary-related deaths were due to high sodium intake  change may help support the patient’s dietary transition. Patients may   Clinician’s Role in Educating WFPB Eating Pattern  tional update for physicians: plant-based diets. Permanente Jour-
        (3 million deaths) and a low intake of whole grain (3 million deaths),   want to gradually transition to a WFPB diet by starting with a “Meat-  WFPB education should be part of every medical visit. The use   nal,17(2), 61-66.
        fruits (2 million), vegetables and nuts/seeds. The leading cause of dietary   less Monday” or trying one WFPB meal per week, while others may   of SMAs can improve delivery of care, increase clinician and patient  11. Wellness 360 Clinic (n.d.). Green Wellness Program: Plants-2-
        deaths in young adults ages 25-50 was from low fiber, while older adults   want to transition immediately to a 100 percent plant-based eating   satisfaction, and increase productivity and revenue.5 Clinicians can   Plate.
        aged 70 years and over was due to high sodium diets.   pattern. Some patients may never want to stop eating meat and, in   obtain continuing education hours to improve knowledge of a WFPB   gram-plants-2-plate/
                                                               this case, clinicians will want to encourage an increase in whole, plant-  eating pattern. Patients can be referred to other healthcare disciplines
        What is a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet?                based foods and water consumption while also decreasing animal    who specialize in a WFBP eating pattern and other lifestyle measures   Heidi Benavides is a registered nurse and currently an Associate Pro-
           A WFPB diet includes nutrient dense foods with an abundance   products and processed foods.                           to improve health outcomes. Health professions education should   fessor/Clinical at UT Health San Antonio. She is passionate about
        of antioxidants and fiber, which are minimally processed.   WFPB                                                         emphasize evidence-based, WFPB concepts within undergraduate and   plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine as a means to prevent,
        foods include whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables and fruits.  Getting Patients’ Buy-In                       graduate programs.                                    manage and reverse chronic illness. Heidi spearheaded and co-founded the
        Animal products (dairy, animal meat or fish) and processed foods are   Clinicians may find challenges in obtaining patient buy-in for any                                      Green Wellness Program: Plants-2-Plate utilizing shared medical appoint-
        excluded. There are many myths about WFPB diets, but the evidence  lifestyle modifications because behavior change can be difficult. Clini-  Conclusion                        ments with an interdisciplinary methodology and serves as program director.
        supports a WFPB approach (or eating pattern) for children, adoles-  cians can use motivational interviewing techniques, perhaps leading the   A Whole Food, Plant-Based dietary eating pattern is an evi-
        cents, adults and pregnant individuals.     There are many types of ver-  conversation by asking the patient if they would like more information   dence-based modality that should be at the forefront of a patient’s   Christiane Meireles, PhD, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian and clin-
                                     7, 9
        satile plant-based protein sources (soy, beans, lentils, peanuts, whole   about treating their disease with lifestyle changes, which may reduce   treatment plan. Eating a variety of plant-based, whole foods have   ical associate professor at the School of Nursing at UT Health San
        grains, and nuts and seeds).   Plants are good sources of calcium,   their overall costs and medication dosing (or possibly stopping medica-  been shown to be safe for most individuals. Clinicians can improve   Antonio with over 35 years of experience in clinical, community and
        including kale, broccoli, tofu, spinach and bok choy.   tion[s] completely). Many patients will be open to learning more.   their patient health outcomes through innovative WFPB education   research settings. As a clinical dietitian, her work is predominantly on primary
           Patients should be taught about the marketing trap of processed plant-                                                approaches and play an important role in WFPB disease prevention,   care focusing on chronic diseases, mainly diabetes, chronic kidney disease and
        based foods, which can be high in sodium and fat. The packaging can  Clinician Education and Patient Resources           management and possibly disease remission.            obesity. As a researcher, nutrition in kidney disease, women’s health and, more
        make the product look healthy and often is misunderstood by the patient.  Clinician Education                                                                                  recently, plant-based diets are the center of her studies. Christiane Meireles is
                                                                 Clinicians may not feel competent in WFPB education. The Amer-                                                        co-founder of the Green Wellness Program: Plants-2-Plate.
        Reasons an Individual May Eat a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet  ican College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is a professional organi-  References:
        Individuals engage in a WFPB eating pattern for many reasons. Some   zation dedicated to the six pillars of wellness (including WFPB diets).   1.  Ashfin, A, Sur, PJ, Kairsten, FA, et al. (2019). Health effects of   Paula Christianson-Silva, DNP, FNP-BC, ANP-BC, DipACLM, is a
        may have health issues and want to try a dietary modality to treat   Several education modalities exist to include webinars, conferences,   dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990-2017: A systematic analysis   clinical professor and family nurse practitioner at UT Health San Anto-
        or potentially cure their disease, while others may want to prevent   interest groups and diplomate certification.         for the Global Burden of Disease study 2017. Lancet,393. 1958-  nio with expertise in interprofessional care models, lifestyle medicine and
        disease. WFPB diets are known to help with climate change. Addi-  Patient Education                                        1972.  NP education. She has been a primary care NP and educator since 1989. At UT
        tionally, others may want to protect animals from a difficult life and a   The ACLM has a 43-page  Food as Medicine Jumpstart Guide,   2.  American College of Lifestyle Medicine (n.d.a.). Home page.   Health, Dr. Christianson-Silva has been active in DNP Program curriculum devel-
        painful death.                                         which educates about WFPB diet meal planning.3 Additionally, there                     opment and is co-founder of the Green Wellness Program: Plants-2-Plate.

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