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                 What Bexar County Doctors Need to Know

                                  By Junda Woo, MD, MPH, and Anita K. Kurian, MBBS, MPH, DrPH


          The United States now leads the world in   • Screening: While 98% of cases to date are   sion should be collected, using synthetic
        monkeypox cases, with more than 6,300 of the   among men who have sex with men, risk is   (non-cotton) swabs, preferably from differ-
        25,391 cases worldwide. Dallas has the most   based on behaviors and exposures, not sex-  ent locations on the body or from lesions
        cases in Texas, followed by Houston, Austin,   ual orientation. A heterosexual, cisgender   that differ in appearance. It is not necessary
        and then San Antonio, which has 13 cases as   woman with recent syphilis and gonorrhea   to unroof the lesion. Co-infections are pos-
        of this writing.                      is at greater risk than a gay couple in a mu-  sible, so also test for other potential infec-
          From now on, monkeypox will belong in   tually exclusive relationship. Thus a good   tions as appropriate. Clinical care can begin
        our differential diagnosis of herpes and other   sexual history is a key element of your   based on a positive orthopoxvirus result
        unexplained rashes, especially when vesicular,   screening, and will be more fruitful with the   and should not wait on additional viral
        pustular or nodular. For the generalist, here is   use of nonjudgmental, neutral language,   characterization testing.
        a quick primer by public health.      without assumptions about sexual orienta-
                                              tion or behaviors. The CDC recommends   • Management of infection: Supportive care
        • Microbiology: Monkeypox is an Orthopox   the 5 P’s as a mnemonic: Partners, Practices,   includes maintenance of adequate fluid bal-
          virus from the same family as variola virus   Protection from STIs, Past history of STIs   ance, pain management, and treatment of
          (smallpox) and vaccinia, and a different   and Pregnancy intention.     any bacterial superinfection. Give anticipa-
          virus family than varicella virus (chicken-                             tory guidance and address symptoms early
          pox). It was discovered in 1958, and the first   • Symptoms occur after an incubation period   to prevent hospitalizations, for instance
          human case was identified in 1970. The fa-  of 1-3 weeks. There is often but not always   through antihistamines and calamine lotion
          tality rate was 1%-10% in previous out-  a prodrome of fever, headache, lym-  for itching, over-the-counter and prescrip-
          breaks, but is lower with the current   phadenopathy, and significant fatigue. After   tion mouthwashes for mucositis, sitz baths
          outbreak. The animal reservoir is unknown   1-4 days, a rash appears. (Lesion photos are   and topical anesthetics for pain, and stool
          but is likely small mammals.        available on the CDC website.) Lesions   softeners for proctitis. For people with se-
                                              progress over 2-4 weeks from macules to   vere disease or at high risk for severe disease,
        • Transmission  most commonly occurs   papules, vesicles, pustules, and then scabs.   tecovirimat (TPOXX) treatment is avail-
          through direct contact with an infectious   Enanthem are also possible. The patient re-  able under a CDC Investigational New
          rash, scabs or bodily fluids. Transmission is   mains infectious until all scabs have fallen   Drug protocol. Doctors can call Metro
          also possible through respiratory secretions   off and fresh skin is evident. While most   Health’s Epidemiology unit at 210-207-
          during prolonged, face-to-face contact of   people do not need hospitalization, in some   8876 or email MpoxConsult@ sananto-
          at least 3 hours; contact with fomites such   people, pain from genital, anal and oropha- to obtain tecovirimat. A provider
          as bed linens; vertical transmission through   ryngeal lesions can be severe enough to in-  prescription will be needed, and ordering
          the placenta; and scratches, bites or other   terfere with bodily functions.   providers must complete all CDC proto-
          contact with an infected animal. People                                 cols and requirements.
          without symptoms cannot spread the virus  • Diagnosis: Testing is available through  • Education: Let patients know that the pub-
          to others, but lesions may not always be no-  commercial labs including LabCorp and   lic health department will be reaching out
          ticed if present in the mouth, rectum or   Quest with CPT code 87593. A swab of   to them. Advise patients to isolate from
          vagina. The Centers for Disease Control &   the lesion from any part of the body is ac-  people and pets until all lesions have re-
          Prevention (CDC) recommends abstain-  ceptable. PPE for specimen collection con-  solved, the scabs have fallen off, and a fresh
          ing from sex for 8 weeks after an infection   sists of eye protection, a disposable gown,   layer of intact skin has formed. In a shared
          ends, due to possible persistence in semen   gloves and a mask (currently the CDC   household, they can reduce transmission to
          or vaginal fluids.                  specifies an N95, out of an abundance of   others by using separate linens, clothing,
                                              caution). Note that two swabs from each le-  drinking glasses and eating utensils, wearing

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