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Image Copyright Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Image Copyright Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and the
management: Implement two-factor authentication for granting re- by impersonating popular companies such as Microsoft Corporation.
mote access to systems that contain EPHI; and implement a technical Now, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning healthcare
process for creating unique user names and performing authentication organizations about a new ransomware threat, based on Russia giving
when granting remote access to a workforce member. free license to cybercriminals attacking the United States infrastructure,
It’s not only a HIPAA violation to be feared but the hostage-taking including hospitals and emergency services.
of an organization’s entire data and communication network. The FBI, For patients, MFA will likely mean additional steps to access the
along with HHS and CISA, has issued a warning to healthcare organ- healthcare portals on which they’ve come to rely. Communicating an-
izations stating that they have, “credible information of an increased nually with patients about the importance of safeguarding their Pro-
and imminent cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare tected Health Information is a great way to both show proper
providers.” stewardship and to explain any new privacy procedures they may need
Ransomware attacks have become more prevalent as of late with to adopt to satisfy MFA.
hackers exploiting the coronavirus pandemic in several ways. First it
was hackers impersonating the CDC and WHO by sending out fake David Alex Schulz, CHP is a community member of the
COVID tracking maps. Then it was hackers targeting remote workers BCMS Publications Committee.
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