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        maintenance and an inhaled bronchodilator for exacerbations,   incorporation of asthma management strategies based on evidence-
        SMART uses the same inhaler for both prevention and rescue therapy.   based guidelines for asthma attack prevention.
        This strategy, delivering a corticosteroid and long-acting beta agonist
        together, allows for a lower regular steroid dose, with additional doses   Recommended patient education resources
        as patients use the inhaler to relieve asthma symptoms. Only for-  Allergy & Asthma Network:
        moterol-containing formulations should be used, as it has a rapid onset   American Lung Association: Asthma
        bronchodilator effect, like albuterol.                 health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/asthma.

          Correct inhaler use: Provide skills training in using each type of in-  References
        haler prescribed. It may be helpful to have pictures of commonly-used   1.   Control Asthma, 6|18 Initiative, Centers for Disease Control and
        inhalers to confirm which inhaler the patient is using. Also discuss   Prevention:
        spacer devices and nebulizers if used.                   accessed 4/9/2022
                                                               2.   AsthmaStats: Uncontrolled Asthma among Adults, 2016, Centers
          Identification of triggers: Explain how to identify, avoid, eliminate   for Disease Control and Prevention:
        or control asthma "triggers." It is important to stress that treatment   asthma_stats/uncontrolled-asthma-adults.htm  accessed 4/9/2022
        measures without environmental control may be ineffective.   3.   AsthmaStats: Uncontrolled Asthma among Children, 2012–2014,
                                                                 Centers   for  Disease  Control   and   Prevention:
        Common asthma triggers:                        
        •   Common allergens include house dust mites, animal dander, molds,   children.htm accessed 4/9/2022
          pollen and cockroach droppings;                      4.   Strategies for Addressing Asthma for Healthcare Providers, Amer-
        •   Tobacco smoke;                                       ican Lung Association:
        •   Air pollution, strong odors or fumes;                eases/lung-disease-lookup/asthma/diagnosing-treating-asthma/str
        •   Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction;                ategies-for-addressing accessed 4/9/2022
        •   Medications such as aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflamma-  5.   Asthma Triggers and Management, American Academy of Allergy,
          tory drugs such as ibuprofen and beta-blockers;        Asthma and Immunology:
        •   Emotional anxiety and stress;                        Public/Conditions-Library/Asthma/Asthma-Triggers-and-Man-
        •   Viral and bacterial infections such as the common cold and sinusitis;   agement-TTR accessed 4/9/2022
        •   Exposure to cold, dry air or weather changes;
        •   Acid reflux, with or without heartburn.                      John F. Freiler, MD is the founder of Premier Allergy of
                                                                       Texas. A decorated Air Force Allergist-Immunologist, Dr. John
          Monitoring: Patients should understand the importance of moni-  F. Freiler retired from the military in the grade of Colonel in
        toring their asthma daily, recognition of early asthma symptoms and   2021 with 22 years of active-duty military service to serve the
        in treating their symptoms quickly. Encourage keeping diaries of med-  San Antonio community. Dr. Freiler’s distinguished military career is no-
        ication use, peak flow rates, environmental exposures, symptoms and   table for having served as the Chief Consultant to the USAF Surgeon Gen-
        actions taken, as these can be used in planning attack prevention and   eral for both Allergy & Immunology and Internal Medicine.
        management strategies.                                 Additionally, he was selected to serve as core teaching faculty for the Air
                                                               Force’s sole Allergy and Immunology Fellowship Program. Dr. Freiler has
          Premedicating to prevent onset of symptoms: Instruct patients on   published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts and has been active in the
        medication measures to take when triggers cannot be avoided. For ex-  mentorship and education of healthcare professionals throughout his ca-
        ample, premedication with beta-agonist agents prior to exercise, irri-  reer. He is board certified by both the American Board of Allergy and Im-
        tants or exposure to known allergens, such as animal dander, may   munology and the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Freiler is a
        prevent onset of asthma symptoms.                      member of the Bexar County Medical Society.

          Conclusion: While it can be challenging to incorporate patient-fo-  To learn more about Premier Allergy of  Texas,
        cused asthma education into routine care visits, busy clinicians can   please scan the QR code above, or visit their Face-
        identify the most important points to discuss with each patient. Col-  book  page  at
        laboration with an asthma specialist, such as an Allergist or Pulmo-  /profile.php?id=100069842199659.
        nologist, can use useful to develop a comprehensive plan for

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