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                                                                                                   IN REVIEW

        Undergraduate Medical Education:

        Developing Empathy for Patients with Substance Use

        Disorders by Attending an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

          By Lori Kels, MD, MPH and Madeline Kundler

        T     he integrated curriculum at University of the Incarnate Word   creased empathy towards their patients.  At UIWSOM, learners write
                                                              a reflection on their experience after attending the meeting. They often
              School of Osteopathic Medicine (UIWSOM) introduces
              learners to the topic of substance use disorders during their
        first year. The UIWSOM curriculum utilizes a spiral approach to the   report having a more meaningful and positive experience than ex-
                                                              pected. Excerpts from some reflections are shared below, with permis-
        curriculum to reinforce key concepts. Formal substance use disorder   sion from each learner.
        teaching occurs during large group didactics, small group case-based
        discussions and a recovering physician patient panel during the pre-  “As most medical students, I learned the basic sciences through
        clerkship phase.                                        reading textbooks. For psychiatry, most of my time was spent trying
          During the psychiatry clerkship in the third year, learners are re-  to differentiate the dozens of antipsychotic medications or wondering
        quired to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Many medical   why a psychiatrist would prescribe one SSRI over the other.
        schools across the country have a similar requirement, in part based on   For Alcohol Use Disorder, I concentrated on the timeline of symp-
        evidence that increased exposure to treatment of patients with sub-  toms and knew there were many nonpharmacologic treatment strate-
        stance use disorders during medical education is correlated with in-  gies. I read about cognitive behavioral therapy, patients can greatly

                                                                                                   continued on page 34
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