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            IN REVIEW

        Medicare Disadvantaged:

        A Raft of Lawsuits Exposes Fraud in Medicare Part C

          By John J. LoCurto, JD

        H       ealthcare fraud is a massive and stubborn problem. Perhaps   major health insurance companies – e.g., Kaiser Permanente, United-

                the best way to confirm this is to examine the annual Health
                                                               Health, Anthem – that allegedly bilked Medicare Advantage out of
                Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Report that the
        United States Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services   billions. To understand how fraud this big could have occurred, one
                                                               must first understand Medicare Part C.
        prepare. Year after year, the Report touts huge fraud recoveries. In Fiscal   Medicare Advantage is an alternative to traditional Medicare, which
        Year 2021, it boasted healthcare fraud judgments and settlements ex-  comprises inpatient (Part A) and outpatient (Part B) services. Under
        ceeding $5 billion and total collections approaching $2 billion.  Of   Part C, private health plans (MA Plans) contract with CMS to cover
        course, recoveries that big necessitate even bigger frauds.   Medicare beneficiaries who have opted out of traditional Medicare.
          Schemes directed at Medicare Part C – also known as Medicare Ad-  MA Plans must cover all the services that beneficiaries would normally
        vantage – are an emerging concern. Losses are difficult to calculate pre-  receive from traditional Medicare. Most plans also cover Medicare Part
        cisely but are surely in the billions. The Centers for Medicare &   D (prescription drugs) and many offer additional coverages not avail-
        Medicaid Services (CMS) estimates that Part C overpaid more than   able under traditional Medicare, including vision, hearing and dental,
        $15 billion in FY21.  Other estimates range from $12 to $25 billion.   3  to attract beneficiaries. Enrollment in Medicare Advantage has ex-
        With so much money at stake, it should come as no surprise that the   ploded. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, as of 2022,
        Department of Justice designated Medicare Advantage an enforcement   Medicare Advantage plans cover nearly 50% of the Medicare-eligible
        priority.  The Department has filed or joined a raft of lawsuits against   population – over 28 million persons.

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