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SOCIAL DETERMINANTS                                                                        SOCIAL DETERMINANTS
 OF HEALTH                                                                                         OF HEALTH
 continued from page 19

 of specific importance in improving the
 health of the San Antonio community,
 where crime rates tend to surpass the state
 average. The 2017 Bexar County Commu-
 nity Health Improvement Plan reported
 that violent crimes were 1.4 times the 2016
 Texas rate, with both family crimes and child
 abuse/neglect crimes 14% higher than the
 2016 Texas rate, all with expected increases
 in coming years. In light of this data, one
 may assume that increasing crime rates may
 contribute to a further reduction in neigh-
 borhood physical activity, yielding pre-
 dictably poorer health outcomes for San
 Antonio residents.
 Traffic fatality rates are indeed a reflection
 of neighborhood safety, and they also impact   of Northside and Near Northside residents, respectively), have con-  nants-in-promoting-health-and-health-equity/
 the walkability of an area. In a highly car-de-  firmed child abuse cases (20 to 70 per 1000 on the Near Westside ver-  3. Weitzman M, Baten A, Rosenthal DG, Hoshino R, Tohn E, Jacobs
 pendent city such as San Antonio, where   sus 0 to 15 per 1000 in Northside and Near Northside), and have a   DE. Housing and child health. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health
 traffic fatalities have been shown to be higher   diagnosis of diabetes (17% for residents on Near Westside versus 7.7%   Care.  2013  Sep;43(8):187-224.  doi:
 than the state rate, prioritizing safe, well-  on the Far Northside).  With further investigation, similar health out-  10.1016/j.cppeds.2013.06.001. PMID: 23953987.
 maintained walking areas is essential to com-  comes may be associated with housing conditions, transportation,   4. The Health Collaborative. (2016). 2016 Bexar County Commu-
 munity health.  This is especially true for the   safety, walkability and public transportation of areas outside of the   nity Health Needs Assessment Report. San Antonio, TX: The
 areas outside of Loop 410, where there are   north-central region.    Health Collaborative.
 fewer walkable areas and generally poorer   Addressing the innumerable associations between physical environ-  5. Bhatnagar A. (2017). Environmental Determinants of Cardiovas-
 health outcomes.    ment and health outcomes remains a seemingly insurmountable chal-  cular Disease.  Circulation research,  121(2), 162–180.
 It may be less intuitive that limited public   lenge for our public health officials, city council members and law
 transportation can compromise numerous   enforcement. Government initiatives seek to dissemble factors up-  6. Madzia, J., Ryan, P., Yolton, K., Percy, Z., Newman, N., LeMasters,
 aspects of community health. Interestingly,   stream of poor health outcomes such as poverty, infrastructure,   G., & Brokamp, C. (2019). Residential Greenspace Association
 access to public transportation is linked with   trauma, while also pursuing a more direct approach by connecting and   with Childhood Behavioral Outcomes.  The Journal of pedi-
 a stronger sense of community, better mental   empowering community members. With time and further study, un-  atrics,   207,  233–240.
 health and increased physical activity, which   derstanding the effects of physical environment on health will yield a   j.jpeds.2018.10.061
 enhances cardiovascular outcomes.  San An-  stronger, healthier San Antonio, and transform San Antonio into a   7. 2019 Impact Report. (2019). SA2020. San Antonio, TX: SA2020.
 tonio’s Metropolitan Transit (VIA) is the   home that is suitable for all.   8. 2017 Healthy Bexar Plan. (2017). Community Health Improve-
 only city-wide public transportation system                      ment Plan. San Antonio, TX: Metropolitan Health District; San
 in a city that is otherwise deemed “highly car-  Teresa Samson is an OMS-III at University of the Incarnate   Antonio, TX: Health Collaborative.
 dependent, with low walkability,” and many   Word and is a member of the Bexar County Medical Society   9. Han, B., Cohen, D. A., Derose, K. P., Li, J., & Williamson, S.
 would suggest the transit system is inade-  Publications Committee.   (2018). Violent Crime and Park Use in Low-Income Urban Neigh-
 quate to support movement across one of the nation’s largest-by-area   residents within particular ZIP codes.  Proper application of these      borhoods. American journal of preventive medicine, 54(3), 352–
 cities.  In fact, data from the 2019 Bexar County & Atascosa County   findings may improve approaches to healthcare by enabling providers   References   358.
 Community Health Needs Assessment Report suggests that public   to better understand variables in patient health, and prompt governing   1. Nagasako, E., Waterman, B., Reidhead, M., Lian, M., & Gehlert,   10.Bird EL, Ige JO, Pilkington P, Pinto A, Petrokofsky C, Burgess-
 transportation use may routinely double commuting times for resi-  bodies to address the underlying causes for poor health outcomes. This   S. (2018). Measuring Subcounty Differences in Population Health   Allen J. Built and natural environment planning principles for pro-
 dents.  These findings will hopefully prompt San Antonio to improve   data application is of high importance in San Antonio, a city where   Using Hospital and Census-Derived Data Sets: The Missouri ZIP   moting health: an umbrella review. BMC Public Health. 2018 Jul
 its connectivity through enhanced public transportation and commu-  residents on the north side have a life expectancy 20 years longer than   Health Rankings Project. Journal of public health management   28;18(1):930. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5870-2. PMID:
 nity efforts, and thereby curb related health outcomes.   residents living in the south side, which is primarily home to minority   and  practice  :  JPHMP,   24(4),  340–349.   30055594; PMCID: PMC6064105.
 Possibly the most important health indication of the physical envi-  and low-income families.  This finding is consistent with the distribu-   11.Arthur, K.N., Spencer-Hwang, R., Knutsen, S.F. et al. Are percep-
 ronment is ZIP code. Studies have supported the predictive capacity   tion of other health outcomes in the San Antonio area. Compared to   2. Artiga, S. (2018). Beyond Healthcare: The Role of Social Deter-  tions of community safety associated with respiratory illness
 of ZIP code on population health. One study performed in Missouri   north-central areas, residents of the south, west, and east sides of town   minants in Promoting Health and Health Equity. Kaiser Family   among a low-income, minority adult population?. BMC Public
 analyzed both hospital and census data to identify strong associations   are more likely to describe themselves as “fair or poor health versus   Foundation.  Health 18, 1089 (2018). 10.1186/s12889-018-
 between Community Health Rankings and the health outcomes of   better health” (29.1% of Southwest residents versus 12.9% and 17.5%   icy/issue-brief/beyond-health-care-the-role-of-social-determi-  5933-4.

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