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         Staying                                 lenges. It all began in the month of March when many of us, including myself, were on va-
                                                   2020 is a year that we will never forget! It’s a year that has been filled with so many chal-

         Connected                               cation and enjoying Spring Break, when news of the COVID-19 virus and the possible
                                                 lockdowns began. Kids began virtual learning, more adults started working from home,
         During                                  the shelves in the grocery stores were increasingly bare, we had to start wearing masks, and
                                                 we began social distancing, staying 6 feet apart.
                                                   The reality was that no one really knew what to expect long term. We were all whisked
                                                 into a new way of living and we had to adapt quickly. There was so much uncertainty and
         the Pandemic                            our days of connecting with other people were now via Zoom sessions. Physician families
                                                 were extra nervous with what was to follow: days of worry-on-end, wondering if the physi-
         By Nichole Eckmann,                     cian in the household would get infected and come home and infect the rest of the family.
         2021 BCMS Alliance President            How serious was this? Was the entire family at risk? There were so many questions and
                                                 not many answers. This was when the members of the Bexar County Medical Society Al-
                                                 liance really banded together and were there for one another. We shared our fears, our
                                                 tears and our worries and just asked for guidance from one another to make it through
                                                 this difficult time. We all realized how important it was to stay connected even if it was
                                                 via Zoom sessions. It was a blessing to know that each and every one of our members RE-
                                                 ALLY understood what we were feeling.
                                                   We eventually realized that the best way to deal with the uncertainty and worry was
                                                 to continue to do what we do best: reaching out to the community and giving back. We
                                                 continued to meet and create ideas for reaching out to our members and our community
                                                 while setting an example of masking and social distancing. This will likely continue into
                                                 much of 2021, but 2020 has shown us that if we stay connected, we can get through this!
                                                 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the medical life is one of a kind; one that you don’t
                                                 understand unless you are living it. Luckily the BCMS Alliance and its members DO get
                                                 it and we are excited to conquer the unknown TOGETHER!

                                                   Nichole Eckmann is the 2021 President of the BCMS Alliance.

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