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 to Minimize


 By Sue Bernstein, MS

 Life can be stressful, particularly for medical professionals and   your pen and scratch it out! Let those things go! Focusing on issues
 their spouses, as each day can bring many unexpected challenges.   that you have the ability to improve will give you positive momen-
 In just his first two working hours, my husband had to deal with   tum, and your life will feel more manageable.
 several stressful situations, including having an emotional discus-  Tackle your list one item at a time. Choose an issue on which to
 sion with a patient and family about a terminal cancer diagnosis,   focus and be 100% committed to attacking it. You can choose the
 the news that a critical employee tested positive for COVID-19, a   stressor that upsets you the most or simply start with the easiest to
 frustrating conversation with a high-risk patient who did not want   conquer. Just move forward. When you feel one issue has been sat-
 to take the vaccine and having to resolve issues with office equip-  isfactorily resolved, check it off your list and choose your next chal-
 ment. When he finally got home in the evening, he was greeted   lenge. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, pull out
 with only an unrefreshing dribble of water in the shower and yet   your list and refocus.
 another issue to deal with. Sometimes it just feels like too much.   As you continue to address your list items one-by-one, try becom-
 I’m sure most of you can relate!   ing a role model.  Exuding positivity will help you stay focused and
 We can all be burdened by long hours, heavy workloads and tight   may inspire others to improve their own outlooks. Instead of letting
 deadlines. The current pandemic has made staying calm and focused   friends or co-workers draw you into their negative banter, move con-
 even more difficult, as change and uncertainty seem to magnify our   versations into a better direction. Telling a joke or funny story can
 normal daily challenges. While we hope and anticipate that things   quickly change the atmosphere.
 will get easier, the stress continues to take a toll on both our minds   Stress is an inevitable part of everyone’s lives, but there are strate-
 and bodies. It’s time to stop waiting for life to calm down and proac-  gies you can implement to make your own life more manageable.
 tively tackle the things that cause us stress.     Instead of allowing bad habits and excuses to become parts of your
 A good way to start is by making a formal plan. Try composing a   identity, try proactively eliminating or reframing your challenges
 list of the top ten stressors in your life. While you can’t wave a wand   while becoming a positive force for those around you.
 and magically eliminate everything that overwhelms you (how cool
 would that be?), just getting a list on paper can help you feel a sense   Sue Bernstein, MS is a Health Transformation Coach
 of power. Next, take a careful look at your list and determine which   and Consultant and the Recording Secretary of the Bexar
 items are within your control. If something is not changeable, take   County Medical Society Alliance.

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