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force, corporate medicine will need to recognize the changing land- Sources:
scape. I am not a “big” fan of corporate medicine, and I feel their Books: The Future is Faster Than You Think by Diamandis &
true colors were revealed during the pandemic. When we were in Kotler; 2030 by Guillen; Lean In by Sandberg
lockdown, some employed physicians were laid off and others had Articles: High-Performance medicine: the convergence of human
their salaries cut. It’s one thing for you as an owner/partner to take and artificial intelligence; Nature Medicine: 25, 44-56(2019); The
a sacrificial pay cut and a very different emotional setback when it’s Future-Proof Organization; Harvard Business Review, 42-48 (Sep-
done to you by management. (My personal bias and not reflecting tember-October 2021)
the views of Bexar County Medical Society; see my article on this
topic published Oct. 2019 in this magazine). Corporate medicine Rodolfo “Rudy” Molina, MD, MACR, FACP is the 2021 President
will need to adjust its own priorities and align them with the needs of the Bexar County Medical Society.
of their employees, most of which will be women. We may also be
seeing unions playing a bigger role in medicine.
The future is uncertain, but we should be certain about our ac-
tions when confronted with change. Each of the points discussed
above deserves a longer and a more critical review. I purposedly
omitted other areas of concern for lack of space and I did not want
this article to lose sight of its purpose. This article’s purpose is to
serve as a starting point for more conversations to come and how
to prepare.
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