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exhaustion and overall
burnout. It was also deter-
mined to improve quality of
life and resilience for physi-
cians. While coaching is not
therapy or counseling, it is an
effective strategy that pro-
motes wellness and is sup-
ported by an increasing body
of evidence. A physician
coach is uniquely capable of
fostering an atmosphere of
trust and understanding due
to their shared experience of
medical training. Now, more
than ever, physicians need the
support and guidance of an
ally who has their best inter-
ests in mind.
3. What are the benefits of
having a physician coach?
The benefits of having a
physician coach are tremendous. A coach can help you identify limit- 5. When should I consider seeking a coach?
ing beliefs, or those false beliefs that hold you back from taking action Physicians should consider seeking a coach if they want to achieve
toward your goal. A coach can also expand your vision and provide a goal, evolve into the best version of themselves or if they are experi-
accountability to help you reach your goals quicker. Over many encing burnout. Ideally, every medical student should begin their ca-
decades, C- suite executives, athletes and professional sports teams reer in medicine with a physician coach. The physician coach can help
have invested in the power of effective coaching to enhance perform- them develop a growth mindset that enhances their medical education
ance, and to set and accomplish goals. Now, physicians have the same to weather the challenges of a career in medicine. The most common
opportunity to invest in themselves and reach their full potential in sentiment I hear from my clients is that they wish they had received
their professional aspirations. coaching at the beginning of their medical career, as they believe it
would have mitigated their burnout.
4. What are the benefits of a business coach in medicine? The COVID-19 pandemic has increased burnout, making a detri-
Coaching can help physicians enhance their business skills. Unfor- mental impact on overall health care delivery. Many health profession-
tunately, medical education does not provide the entrepreneurial als are feeling the emotional strain of the pandemic, prompting many
training necessary to help new physicians start their own practices or physicians to reduce their hours or retire early and leave medicine al-
innovative endeavors. In medicine, doctors are conditioned to be risk- together. While coaching is not a substitute for psychiatric care or ther-
averse because any misstep could lead to a life-or-death outcome. In apy, many find having another physician colleague to talk to about the
business, however, it is important to be willing to try new ideas, risk daily challenges they face in the workplace normalizes their experience.
failing and trying again until you succeed. Thus, a business coach can Interestingly, many physicians often prefer speaking with a coach be-
teach physicians how to develop a business mindset and apply these cause there is less stigma as compared to seeking mental health services.
principles in a health care setting. These executive and management Prominent leaders at universities, hospitals and institutions nationwide
skills can also help doctors lead more effectively in their clinics, hos- recognize the importance of investing in physician coaching and are
pitals and business endeavors. now promoting physician wellness programs. These coaching programs
Continued on page 10
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