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        3.   Be prepared to stand up a cross-department deployment program.   during this constantly changing crisis.
           I was once told directing physicians is like leading an army of gen-
           erals and nowhere was that more evident than during this pan-  4.   Appreciate the need for positive, steady, yet flexible leadership dur-
           demic. Physicians are inherent problem solvers, so they do not   ing a sustained operation, particularly in a stressful and everchang-
           generally take orders without questioning them. Consequently, reg-  ing environment such as a pandemic. Ensuring self-care and the
           ular effective communication was vital in directing our group of   physical and emotional wellness of your teammates is essential.
           over 1,000 physicians working at multiple sites. Crises have a way   Simply taking the time to ask how they’re doing and encouraging
           of drawing the best from people, and I was privileged to witness   a brief break from the action goes a long way.
           this among our faculty and staff. Radiologists volunteered to place
           central lines and psychiatrists volunteered to work on the palliative   This list is not all inclusive. A plan for Predictive Modeling, inno-
           care service. Trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists and pediatricians   vative use of Health IT, dispersing personal protective equipment and
           who trained in critical care worked alongside our other intensivists   recovery were all important as well. The one silver lining from this
           to serve our critically ill COVID patients. Subspecialty physicians   pandemic is that I will forever be inspired and thankful for having
           were quickly trained on modules prepared by our hospitalists and   worked with such outstanding faculty, staff, as well as partners
           then placed on standby until deployed to care for COVID patients.   throughout the city. Despite the shadow cast on 2020 by this pan-
           I was greatly inspired. Likewise, we worked closely with our hospital   demic, my memories will forever be framed by the impressive work I
           partner UH to coordinate the opening of additional COVID units   witnessed by these individuals. Good job San Antonio.
           and assignment of nurses. When it was my turn to attend to the
           care of COVID patients, without exception, a nurse would help   Robert Leverence, MD is Chief Medical Officer of UT
           me with the tedious ritual of donning and doffing my PPE. Fortu-  Health San Antonio and is a member of the Bexar County
           nately, a good amount of trust had already been built with UH lead-  Medical Society.
           ership which helped maintain smooth relations and operations

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