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          Scrawled on a sticky note affixed to my computer are the
 By Lori Boies, PhD  words “Fight for the things that you care about but do it
         in a way that will lead others to join you.” While these are
         the words and mantra of the late Justice Ruth Bader Gins-
 As I sat on the Texas Medical Association Alliance’s nominating   burg, they typify the actions of San Antonio legend June
 committee in September 2017, I enthusiastically recommended Jenny   Bratcher, for whom the Texas Medical Association’s June
 Shepherd (2018 BCMSA President) for the position of VP of Legisla-  Bratcher Award for Legislative Involvement honors.
 tive Affairs for the TMA Alliance. She would go on to excel in this po-  Dissatisfied with how her state representative, a trial
 sition, and additionally, she garnered both national and statewide   lawyer, was leading, she concluded that it was time for a
 recognition for her efforts in advocating for medicine. In June 2020,   change. “I didn’t feel like he was responding to the commu-
 Jenny was honored with the American Medical Association Alliance’s   nity that he lived in, which included a large number of physi-
 award for Legislative Advocacy and Programming for her innovative   cians, so I decided that maybe it was time that we got a new
 “Party of Medicine” grassroots fundraising events. More recently   representative,” Ms. Bratcher said. She launched a grassroots
 though, Jenny was awarded the prestigious TEXPAC June Bratcher   campaign, rallied the medical community and got to work.
 Award for Political Action in May 2021. This is a biennial award pre-  While her chosen candidate did not get elected in that race,
 sented to a physician spouse for significant involvement in legislative   it was just the beginning for June who not only did remark-
 endeavors. The “Party of Medicine” events happened not only at her   able work in San Antonio, but also led the way for physician
 home in San Antonio, but she also took the show on the road to Lub-  spouses to become leaders in the political arena.
 bock. Through these efforts, she was able to increase TEXPAC mem-  It wasn’t always easy, according to Ms. Bratcher. As she
 berships and successfully raise funds for State Rep. Leo Pacheco (House   began to get involved, there were a contingent of people who
 District 117) and State Sen. Jose Menendez (Senate District 26). More   thought physician spouses had a place supporting medicine,
 events had been scheduled but postponed due to the pandemic.   but it wasn’t in the realm of politics. Asked to stop, she re-
 I had the privilege of hearing June Bratcher (1979-80 BCMSA Pres-  fused, and forever changed the course of how medicine and
 ident), the namesake of Jenny’s award, speak at a BCMSA luncheon in   politics interact. She paved the way for women and physician
 2017. It was an inspiring speech centered around the many obstacles   spouses to be viewed as equally valuable assets in the fight for
 she faced as she fought to have her voice heard at a time when the po-  better medicine, while also battling to elect senators and state
 litical landscape was mostly male-dominated. Her story serves as an in-  representatives who are sensitive to the needs of medicine.
 spiration for anyone striving to accomplish what they believe in.  It is a   Thank you, June. I’m sure you didn’t think you’d be a hero
 privilege to have so many strong, female trailblazers in San Antonio.     when you set out to change one thing in your world, but that
 Jenny Shepherd and John Shepherd, MD
 Overall, it is important for all of us to channel a little of our inner-  is exactly what you became for me and countless others. You
 June and our inner-Jenny to advocate for medicine. When we advocate   she followed me as President of the BCMSA, our families have trav-  helped to give us a voice. You taught us that caring about your
 for medicine, we are advocating for a safer and healthier Texas and   eled together and we are currently student peers working on our MPH   health, your job and your rights is why we must continue to
 United States. We help physicians practice medicine in effective ways   degrees. Through all these avenues of friendship, I remain in awe of   care about politics because they are inextricably entwined.
 and help patients have access to the vital care that they need. Jenny is   her innovative, creative thinking she applies to any task at hand. I can-  You became a role model and taught us not to take no for an
 currently completing her second masters’ degree with a Master of Pub-  not think of anyone more deserving of the June Bratcher Award for   answer, that new ideas can be valuable and not to underesti-
 lic Health (MPH). With her passion and knowledge, I know she will   Political Action. Jenny, the “party of medicine” is lucky to have you!   mate our own power to bring about change. We should all be
 be an unstoppable force on whatever she sets her sights on next.      thankful. I know I am.
 One of the best parts of being on the Alliance has been the friend-  Lori Boies, PhD is a Bexar County Medical Society Al-
 ships I’ve made through this organization. As physician spouses, we   liance (BCMSA) past president (2017) and currently a pres-  Jenny Shepherd served as the VP of Legislative
 all bring diverse strengths and viewpoints to the table, as we not only   idential advisor. She also serves on the TMA Alliance Board   Affairs for the Texas Medical Association Alliance
 share friendship, but also take steps towards making Texas a healthier   as the Bylaws Chair for 2021-2022. Lori is an Instructor of   for the past three years and is currently the VP of
 place. I have gotten to know Jenny on so many levels over the years:   Biological Sciences at St. Mary's University.  Community Health. She was President of the
         Bexar County Medical Society Alliance in 2018.

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