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It’s still difficult to get press cars, so I’m going to highlight some
more upcoming vehicles that I think will be exciting and (maybe)
worth waiting for.
Ford Bronco: the last time I saw this much excitement for an
upcoming vehicle was in 1990 when the Lexus LS400 and Mazda
Miata launched. And the Bronco seems to be generating more en-
ergy than both of them put together. This new Ford off-roader,
which is nothing less than a dagger aimed at the Jeep Wrangler’s
heart, is going to be a gigantic home run. How much does Ford
want it to succeed? Despite the fact that pre-orders are off the
charts, the company recently announced that the most extreme
Sasquatch version will be available with a manual transmission
after all (it was originally announced as automatic only). Why? Be- Taycan, the E-tron GT looks like a sleeker A5 Fastback that hap-
cause they want every single Wrangler buyer they can get. pens to be electric. Less expensive than the Taycan, Audi hopes
An aside: during the original Bronco’s heyday in the late 1960s, the E-tron GT will steal sales from Tesla, now inexplicably the
its nemesis wasn’t the Jeep Wrangler; it was the similarly iconic most valuable car maker on the planet. Will it succeed? Probably,
Chevy Blazer. If a new Bronco is being created to compete with but with gas prices remaining stubbornly low, expect most luxury
the popular Wrangler, why not a new Blazer? Good question. sports sedan buyers to stick with the BMW M5 and Porsche
Chevy actually sells a Blazer right now, but it’s a completely anony- Panamera.
mous small crossover SUV that looks as though it were designed Audi Q4 E-tron: smaller than the already-on-sale E-tron SUV,
for Enterprise Rent a Car rather than actual retail customers. Sup- the Q4 E-tron is aimed at Q5 buyers who are interested in an all-
posedly after the highly successful Bronco reveal earlier this sum- electric crossover with similar capability as a Q5. It won’t be the
mer, GM’s CEO Mary Barra sent a “WTF?” email to her big hit the Q5 has been, but it will likely attract some new buyers
company’s product planners asking why they had missed this (very to the BEV fold.
profitable) boat. My answer: because GM has been too focused Aston Martin DBX: James Bond’s favorite automaker bet the
on electric cars to think much about mainstream products. farm on the DBX SUV, and early indications are that the company
Ford F-150: the 2021 F-150 is heavily facelifted rather than all created an excellent product. Will it find enough buyers to save
new, but there are many changes for America’s perennial best sell- the company and fund future DB sports cars? Probably. It looks
ing vehicle. The PowerBoost hybrid’s eco credentials are meant to good and will give buyers a tasty combination of aggressive Mer-
turn Greta Thunberg’s frown upside down, but the Pro Power cedes AMG V8 goodness and understated Olde English leather
Onboard system that the hybrid enables is the feature that will ex- and wood. I hope it succeeds.
cite buyers. Providing either 20 or 30 amps of 110 volt electrical Mercedes S-Class: many customers who can afford an S-Class
power, Pro Power Onboard can provide electricity for your work are turning instead to luxury SUVs like the Range Rover (and Mer-
(or campsite) so you can leave your generator at home (the system cedes GLS), but enough are staying in the sedan market to make
automatically turns the engine on and off as needed to keep the it worth Mercedes’ while to keep producing their flagship car. An
electricity flowing). The F-150’s interior has been enhanced to bet- all new “S” debuts soon, and it’s expected to bring lots of tech
ter compete with the increasingly popular Ram 1500, but my fa- including screens with 3D-ish graphics, four-wheel steering, and
vorite change is the new grille, which pays homage to F-series flush door handles that pop out as you approach. The last S-Class
pickups from the 1970s. was achingly good to experience, and I’d be surprised if the new
Ram TRX: just as the V6 Ford Raptor heads to the dressing one were anything short of brilliant.
room to take a breather, Ram is launching the TRX to show Ford
how it’s done. A 702 HP supercharged V8 (yes, you read that right, As always, call Phil Hornbeak, the Auto Program Manager at
Seven-Hundred-and-Two horsepower) means that this new full BCMS (210-301-4367), for your best deal on any new car or truck
size Ram pickup comes with a serious attitude problem right out brand. Phil can also connect you to preferred financing and lease
of the box, which customers will no doubt appreciate. And in case rates.
you don’t understand why Ram is introducing the TRX now,
under the hood there’s a rendering of a Tyrannosaurus Rex de- Stephen Schutz, MD, is a board-certified gastroenterologist
vouring a Raptor. Subtle? No, but it does make a point. Note to who lived in San Antonio in the 1990s when he was stationed
Ford: don’t give the next Raptor a V6. here in the US Air Force. He has been writing auto reviews for
Audi E-tron GT: essentially an Audi version of the Porsche San Antonio Medicine since 1995.
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