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                                    The COVID-19 Pandemic –

                                    Are We Really All In This Together?

                                    By Gerald Q. Greenfield Jr., MD, 2020 BCMS President

                                      While current national and  on to other people, leading to a widening of the pandemic.
                                    local monikers state that we  Public health statements now emanate from all levels of govern-
                                    are all in this together, the use  ment and medicine, causing recommendations to differ in some
                                    or not of masks would sug-  respects and consequently to be politicized. As a result, both physi-
                                    gest  otherwise.  The  wearing  cians and politicians are being accused by some members of the
        of masks is recommended for all who are outside of their home,  society of infringement on their freedom. This leads to the ques-
        not in an automobile or who are in a confined space (such as their  tion of whose freedom is being limited? Is the freedom of the
        home). The political and medical leadership of this country were  asymptomatic infected person who can possibly infect others and
        both initially unsure and unclear about the wearing of facemasks  widen the pandemic limited? Is it their freedom to have the ability
        during this pandemic. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci initially stated that  to expose others in society to unnecessary risk? Who then will care
        there was little value in the use of facemasks. However, as scientists  for those newly infected patients? Are first responders and medical
        have learned more and more about the virus and its effects, the  providers obligated to assume extra risk for themselves and their
        use of facemasks or face-coverings by all members of society has  families due to irresponsible behavior by members of the society?
        been recommended; even children are shown to gain a protective  Do first responders and other members of the medical team have
        advantage.                                             freedom? Can they choose not to participate as care providers in
          The ability of political leaders to provide direction in a public  order to protect themselves and their families from unnecessary
        health crisis is only as good as the value of the medical recommen-  risks? When a person insists upon their rights without acknowl-
        dations they receive. As I mentioned, the use of masks was not ini-  edging their responsibilities, that is not freedom; it is adolescence.
        tially recommended, but it has now been proven to be efficacious  Adults behaving as pedantic children, focusing on the details of
        in prevention of disease transmission. Leadership, both political  their rights only, must be treated based on their actions. Just as chil-
        and medical, must recognize errors, correct the errors, and provide  dren need evidence and leadership to act responsibly, so do adults.
        guidance in a timely manner. They must provide explanations of  Guidance, at times, must be stern and potentially supported by
        changes and then chart new direction. Instead, the use of masks  punitive measures. When an explanation of the basis for guidance
        and of certain medications has become part of partisan politics.   is not adequate to change behavior, other measures become nec-
          This points out the weaknesses of our political leaders on both  essary. Members of the medical care team are by nature concerned
        sides. Political leaders must be able to accept and adjust both guid-  about the greater good, willing to take risks to protect public health
        ance and support based on the effectiveness of prior acts and treat-  and well-being. They cannot, however, be expected to embark on
        ments, and based upon future expectations, which may continually  suicide missions willingly and repeatedly.
        change. The current patchwork and interpretation of medical rec-  In summary, wearing a mask is more to help others than to help
        ommendations regarding this virus is due to the lack of political  oneself. Medical and political leadership all agree it is important to
        unity and leadership. Medical guidance changes cannot be instituted  control the spread of the virus. If we truly are all in this together,
        without leadership support. Both medical and political leaders need  then wearing a mask to help limit the spread of the virus is a small
        to be consistent in reevaluating the changing situation, adjusting  price to pay. It protects the rights of all people. This is of para-
        guidance and regulations, and finally, providing non-partisan sup-  mount importance when the contrary, not wearing a mask, puts
        port of evidence-based medicine. In addition, political leadership  the lives of medical professional along with their families at risk
        is from the top, and top leaders must lead by example.  of death.
          The newest medical information indicates that masks protect
        wearers to a small degree, and mostly protect other members of  Gerald Greenfield, MD, is an Orthopedic Surgeon in Bexar County and
        the society from a potentially infected person. Although an infected  is the 2020 President of  the Bexar County Medical Society.
        person may be asymptomatic, it is still possible to pass the disease

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