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2020 – A Year of Tumult
By Gerald Q. Greenfield Jr., MD, 2020 BCMS President
First and foremost, it has been an honor and a privilege to serve as other hospital units became overloaded with patients suffering from
president of the Bexar County Medical Society for 2020. The staff coronavirus infections. Nursing staff, physicians and other caregivers
and board of directors have been flexible and inventive in finding placed their own lives at risk in order to provide life-saving services to
methods to provide services and guidance to all of the physicians in patients. Even those who refused to follow recommended safety meas-
Bexar County. I am confident in the future of the Society as strong ures received the same level of care. Those patients exposed hospital
and sure hands continue to lead our organization. staff to the risks of their own infection. Dying patients were separated
2020 has truly been a year for the history books. Economically, the from their family and loved ones and often expired with only hospital
year began with the lowest unemployment rate and best stock market or nursing home staff members in attendance.
in recent history. The excess amounts of money in the accounts of high Due to civil and medical rules and regulations, patients were often
earners or those with a significant stock portfolio allowed them to pay prohibited or at least discouraged from standard office visits. Telemed-
for new cars, boats, RVs, or even airplanes. The entire country was fly- icine became a way of life as patients and their problems had to be man-
ing high; drunk on a climate of cash, high stock returns and job secu- aged remotely. Masks or face coverings became mandatory. Gloves and
rity. However, when the coronavirus struck in February, the entire other protective garments were necessary for the safety of caregivers;
world changed and went into a downward spiral. Entire econåomies and were soon fashionable. Daily death tolls often exceeded those of
were placed on lockdown and medical care became secondary to so- recent military conflicts. Neighbors and families were split in their
cietal recovery. The words and guidance of scientists were initially ac- opinions and practices regarding use of personal protective equipment.
cepted, and the severity of the public health crisis was well-recognized. Shop and business owners were forced to police their own establish-
But the patience of society decreased and eventually nearly evapo- ments in the face of an economic catastrophe and public ridicule.
rated. Cases of illness soared as various levels of leadership all over the The promise of a vaccine offers hope for a return to normal. But
world seemed to deny the entire situation. Racial and xenophobic slurs even this promise is cloaked in controversy and the hope is not uni-
permeated reports and commentary regarding the virus. As would be versally accepted. What has, however, become clear is that with the
expected, this resulted in increasing levels of infection. Emotion and specter of a worldwide economic and public health catastrophe, the
politics changed the focus of the population and scientific objectivity world’s greatest scientific minds can set aside national pride and work
was lost. In fact, many of the scientific thought leaders were maligned, together toward a common goal. A goal which could possibly rescue
belittled, ignored, and even turned into pariahs. Their jobs and careers the soul of humanity. The overriding question is whether national
were placed at risk. In some cases, their lives and the lives of their fam- leaders will be able to visualize the same goal. Perhaps the next several
ilies were either threatened or put at risk. months will tell.
In the United States, the national election took a backseat to the pan- In spite of all of the setbacks in 2020, science and medicine remain
demic. Decisions by both the political and scientific leadership were the shining beacons to provide a society lost in the darkness of a world-
often misrepresented, misinterpreted, or completely ignored. Chaos wide pandemic. Those of us who provide medical care are expected
ruled as the lives of governors and other leaders including scientists were to remain steadfast in our pursuit of health for the society, even as that
threatened. More than one plot was uncovered by law enforcement au- same society places our own lives at risk. Just as we and our predeces-
thorities and quashed. Political leaders selected their own truths and ig- sors have always done, we will remain true to an oath which many of
nored or denied the recommendations of public health officials. us took willingly many years ago. We will persevere. Even in the face
Those who were classified as essential workers became societal he- of overwhelming odds, including our own deaths, we will continue to
roes as they fought both medical and economic battles. In an effort provide the best possible health care to those entrusted to us.
to reduce deaths caused by the virus, hospitals and nursing care facil-
ities became fortified havens. Patients and family members were sep- Gerald Q. Greenfield, MD is an orthopedic surgeon and is the 2020
arated. Entry was at first curtailed, then denied. Intensive care and President of the Bexar County Medical Society.
8 SAN ANTONIO MEDICINE • December 2020