Page 29 - SAM September 2019
P. 29


        exemplary leaders and about my own flavor of leadership. The  MBA and can now print out my new business card with all five
        TEDx talk we each had to give at the end of the class was the  letters in their proper order: MD, MBA. I earned it; albeit 30 years
        cake-icing. Mine was on The Power of the Word  “NO”.   post MD. I am hopeful for the doors it will open to me. I had no
          The highlight of the program was our 12-day international trip  “why.” I did it because I could, because the funds were available,
        to South East Asia. The 17-hour flights only fueled the excite-  or simply because.
        ment I felt in seeing Singapore and Vietnam. I can’t quite articu-  I’d like to end with this; follow your heart, try something
        late Singapore. Its clean streets, ultramodern architecture, eclectic  new, push yourself. What is holding you back from following
        suburbs, fine dining, high-end shopping, educated minds, and  and fulfilling your dreams? Remember, life is what happens
        multiracial indigenes all living harmoniously despite differences  while you are busy planning…so get off  your phone, get off
        in religion, language, customs and cultures. A hard lesson for all  your couch and just do it!
        African countries to learn (sadly). Singapore welcomed me with  My name is Uchenna Umeh, MD, MBA, and I approve this
        open arms. I even sang Karaoke with a local band at a pub.   message.
          Vietnam was different. More real, dirtier, noisier, almost “hap-
        pier” than Singapore. We visited the Crocs factory, dined with locals  Dr. Uchenna Umeh aka Dr. Lulu the Momatrician, is a
        in a traditional Vietnamese home, and took a canoe ride on the river  BC Pediatrician with nearly 30 year clinical experience. She
        to the coconut village, where our senses were mesmerized by aro-  quit clinical medicine last year to follow a calling to speak on
        mas of coconut. Since I am a Tropical Chic, this, was home! I ended  child, teen and young adult depression and suicide. Her first
        the trip by finishing the final edits of my first book – How to Raise  book is an Amazon Bestseller. She is also host of  Dr. Lulu's
        Well-Rounded Children on the plane ride home. It’s available online.  Parenting Your Teen Workshop and Host of Suicide Pages with Dr. Lulu,
          I shall miss school. I am proud to say that I completed the  the Podcast. She lives in San Antonio with her family.

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