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        tributions to society. Transformative procedures like rhinoplasty and  and easy access without vetting the surgeon can tip the scales away
        breast reduction can not only change someone’s outward appear-  from safety in favor of cost. It is my hope that as a healthcare com-
        ance, but also provide improved functional outcomes of enhanced  munity, we physicians will recognize the potential positive impact
        nasal breathing and diminished musculoskeletal pain, respectively.  of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for our patients and help
        Taken as a whole, aesthetic surgery and aesthetic medicine can en-  guide individuals seeking this care toward safe and favorable out-
        hance quality of life.                                 comes. Extending the same accepted advocacy for patients’ rights,
          A motivating influence to pursue a career in medicine is the  education, and safety to the realm of aesthetic surgery and aesthetic
        promise of being able to make a positive impact on the health of  medicine as we do for all other aspects of healthcare is tantamount
        patients. It’s no wonder, then, that many choose to focus their train-  for optimal outcomes. In this way, stories like that of our fellow
        ing and careers in plastic and reconstructive surgery. As the number  Texan will become infrequent or even only in the past.
        of patients seeking aesthetic interventions increases, so too do the
        number of physicians offering these services. Concomitantly, di-  Dr. Christian Stallworth is dually board certified by both the
        minishing reimbursements, the stranglehold of government and in-  American Academy of  Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
        stitutional oversights, and physician burnout can also contribute to  and the American Academy of  Otolaryngology – Head & Neck
        the allure of providing cash-pay aesthetic care. While there is no  Surgery. He is a Clinical Associate Professor and Director of
        fault in this alone, the attraction can entice a slip down the prover-  the Division of  Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for UT Health San
        bial slope further and further from the purpose and safety of their  Antonio / The University of  Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
        training. As reported in the New York Times, this trend is growing  He also works part-time in private practice. He is a member of  the Bexar
        and poses confusion and risk for patients.  In the United States, we  County Medical Society.
        ensure our collective expertise through licensing exams, board cer-
        tifications, accredited training programs and maintenance of certi-  Disclaimer:  The views and opinions expressed here are those of  the au-
        fication. Yet how these safeguards and accreditations are promoted  thor and not meant to represent those of  UT Health San Antonio or The Uni-
        to the public through YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and the in-  versity of  Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
        ternet can be both perplexing and misleading. To practice many aes-
        thetic  procedures,  a  hospital  setting  is  not  necessary,  thereby  Resources:
        eliminating the added layer of patient protection found in operative  1. RhinoCenter -
        credentialing and privileging. In an outpatient venue, professional
        oversight can be lax. Patients, then, may find care, no matter how
        invasive, in a setting like those previously mentioned in Mexico,  2.
        Georgia, Florida, or even here in Texas. In addition, there is a grow-  woman-dead-after-botched-nose-job-mexico
        ing threat of counterfeit drugs and equipment. For example, the  3.
        FDA has cautioned about some improperly manufactured injecta-  facts
        bles and toxins masquerading as legitimate pharmaceuticals in the
        U.S. marketplace. FDA warning notices have been issued to over
        1000 physicians nationwide who are known to have administered  erm=.36c222ed0ebe
        fraudulent injectables. Ultimately, patients may access care that is  5.
        hazard laden if they haven’t performed adequate due diligence.  doctor-and-disturbing-lessons-learned-about-the-current-state-of-
        Without proper oversight and guidance from the medical commu-  surgical-practices-in-georgia/
        nity at large, they may find easy access to treatment that promises
        great outcomes for reduced expense. In these cases, if it seems too
        good to be true, it probably is.                       ObToqVO5R26Gua6E121ZrdzBW1iE9OLkYFYTZeZpYdlc
          Today, the increasing accessibility and acceptability of cosmetic  7.
        surgery procedures is greater than for any previous generation. But  8.
        while the rewards of this burgeoning medical industry can be great  2018/plastic-surgery-statistics-report-2018.pdf
        for both patients and physicians alike, so too can be the risks.
        Whether home or abroad, to seek treatment based solely on cost

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