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        same reaction in individuals who lack genes encoding these immune  reliable biomarker for celiac disease susceptibility, but emerging pro-
        cell receptors. This explains why, even in ancient times, only a subset  tein and genetic biomarkers may one day be clinically available for
        of the population has been reported to develop GI symptoms from  NCGS. Additionally, NCGS individuals may have a wheat allergy
        gluten consumption.                                    (WA) caused by an IgE mediated immune reaction to gluten as op-
          Gluten Genetics: Using molecular genetic laboratory techniques,  posed to the celiac specific T cell attack on the gut. Gluten is the
        we can identify an individual’s inherited susceptibility to gluten in-  least digestible, most immunogenic protein in the human diet so it
        tolerance. DNA-based testing will identify the presence or absence  comes as no surprise that the human immune system has multiple
        of the genes encoding the gluten recognition immune cell receptors,  ways to recognize and mount a targeted response against the gluten
        HLA-DQ2 and DQ8. The receptors are comprised of two protein  proteins. Human tissues including the gut, thyroid, and muscu-
        chains, alpha and beta, (encoded by genes DQA1 and DQB1 re-  loskeletal system are often in the line of fire and suffer collateral
        spectively) that can be inherited from the same or different parents.  damage through molecular mimicry when normal tissues are mis-
        An estimated 30 percent of the human population carries combi-  taken for gluten proteins.
        nations of the DQ2 and DQ8 gluten intolerance susceptibility  The Path to Wellness: Anyone with unexplained GI symptoms,
        genes. Within this population of genetically susceptible individuals  autoimmune disease, brain fog, chronic fatigue syndrome or known
        there is a spectrum of elevated risk for developing severe celiac dis-  celiac disease in a first degree relative could potentially benefit from
        ease accompanied by 50 percent or 100 percent chance of trans-  knowing their Gluten ID. In the direct to consumer (DTC) era of
        mitting  combinations  of  these  genes  to  future  generations.  genetics, DQ2/DQ8 testing can be performed with cheek swab kits
        Conversely, individuals lacking DQ2/DQ8 gene combinations have  purchased online and results reported directly to the individual.
        virtually no risk for development of celiac disease and 0 percent  However, for purposes of wellness planning, it is desirable that
        transmission risk.                                     DQ2/DQ8 test results be included in the medical record. There-
          Celiac Disease Testing: Prior to the Precision Medicine era,  fore, Gluten ID testing is optimally ordered and performed by
        clinical laboratory testing for celiac disease (the most extreme ex-  physicians such as family practice or functional medicine, rheuma-
        pression of gluten intolerance) has primarily been performed at the  tologists, and gastroenterologists so it can be integrated into the pa-
        protein (not DNA) level. Antibody-based tests including tTG-IgA  tient’s preventive medicine and wellness plan. Gluten intolerance is
        and IgA Endomysial antibody (EMA) remain the mainstays for lab-  best viewed on a spectrum of risk, and those with the highest risk
        oratory diagnosis because they are quick and accurate in acutely ill  have increased incentive to be cautious about how much of a highly
        patients who have been consuming gluten in their diet.  immunogenic protein they introduce into their digestive system.
          However, in individuals with celiac disease who are on a gluten  Celiac and autoimmune diseases can be silent for many years, just
        free diet and asymptomatic family members, antibody testing often  like a glass gradually filling with water. However, as a glass overflows
        gives false results because gluten antibodies are not being produced  suddenly, so do celiac and autoimmune disease symptoms often
        by the immune system. DNA testing thus provides a stable alterna-  present without warning. Therefore, the path to wellness begins with
        tive to antibody testing and only needs to be performed once in a  knowledge about each person’s unique genetic predisposition to
        person’s lifetime to provide accurate, unchanging results. DNA test  gluten intolerance and continues through a lifetime of steps taken
        results are often included with findings from antibody testing, clin-  towards reducing risk and promoting health. In the era of person-
        ical presentation, and small bowel biopsy to help make the diagnosis  alized medicine, this pathway empowers each individual to know
        of celiac disease. The high negative predictive value of DNA test  their susceptibility and transmission risk for celiac disease in order
        results essentially rules out the diagnosis of celiac disease in indi-  to appropriately minimize gluten consumption and maximize a life-
        viduals lacking the DQ2 and DQ8 genes.                 time of wellness.
          Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS): For some individuals
        with symptoms of gluten intolerance, genetic testing results are neg-  References
        ative for DQ2 and/or DQ8 genes. The good news for those with  Chou, et al: Screening for celiac disease: a systematic review for
        NCGS is their chances of developing severe celiac disease requiring  the uS Preventive Services Task Force. March 2017, AHRQ publi-
        small bowel biopsy is less than 1 percent. In addition, these individ-  cation NO. 14-05215-EF-1.
        uals have 0 percent chance of transmitting DQ2 and DQ8 genes  Lebwohl B, et al: Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
        to their children. However, these positive factors do not diminish  British Medical Journal 2015, 351:h4347
        the reality of their gluten-related symptoms or detract from the im-  Ludvisson JF, et al: Screening for celiac disease in the general pop-
        portance of a gluten free diet as a path to wellness. DQ2 and DQ8  ulation and high-risk groups. United European Gastroenterology
        positivity has been well documented in the medical literature as a  Journal 2015, 3:106-120.

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