Page 45 - OctSam2019
P. 45


          The 2019 bMW M850i convertible is an impressive car that will
        get you where you’re going quickly and in style, but it’s not for
        everyone. While it’s an exaggeration to say that only well-heeled
        singles, dINKs, and empty nesters need apply, it’s not far from
        the truth.
          For starters, bMW’s flagship car is a two-plus-two with a cabin
        that should really only be inhabited by one or two people. The
        rear seats are located extremely close to the front ones and there-
        fore have very little leg room, so it’s not wrong to consider them
        bilateral briefcase holders (headroom back there is also poor, by
        the way.) Still, the rear seats are as sumptuous as the front ones,  All 850is come with the excellent and ubiquitous 8-speed auto-
        which means your briefcase or groceries get to sit on the same  matic transmission sourced from German supplier ZF. If you drive
        high quality leather as you do, a fact I find quite amusing, actually.  a fairly new car, SUv, or crossover, and it has an 8-speed transmis-
          And the bMW M850i is as over-engined as it is under-passenger  sion, it’s very likely to be from ZF. be grateful that you have it.
        spaced. Using a 523HP version of the 4.4l twin turbo v8 that  One qualm I have with the driving experience is common to
        propels the portly X7 SUv, the M850i can zip from 0–60 MPH  many modern cars, though not most SUvs and crossovers: rela-
        in just 3.6 seconds. This is a fast car.                 tively poor visibility. I blame high door sills that make you feel as
          The M850i’s exterior design is well done and should appeal to  though you’re sitting in a bathtub as well as a relatively tall hood
        its target demographic. Substantial and very “Grand Touring” is  that makes the road seem far away. both of those realities are due
        how I’d describe the styling. The profile flows nicely, the rear looks  to more stringent safety regulations: high sills protect passengers
        contemporary and chic, and the front has visual heft. I’ve criticized  in case of a collision, while the tall hood mitigates injuries to
        various bMW designs in the past as having too many trees and  pedestrians in case you hit them. Safety is a good thing, of course,
        not enough forest, and I’ve given demerits to the 7-series for lack-  and these particular changes are common to all manufacturers not
        ing gravitas. but none of those negatives apply to the M850i,  just bMW, but they subtract from the joy of driving.
        which manages to look cohesive, sporty, and expensive all at the  In case you’re curious – and I can’t imagine many M850i buyers
        same time. Thankfully, adding a cloth convertible top doesn’t sub-  will be – fuel economy for bMW’s nicest grand tourer comes in
        tract from the appeal of the M850i’s styling. In fact, you could  at 16 MPG City and 25 Highway. The price is just over $122,000
        argue that the convertible looks better than the coupe.  to start, and there are many option packages and other extras,
          As alluded to above, the interior of the M850i, while being al-  which can increase that number significantly. As always, call Phil
        most impossibly tight for rear passengers, is a very nice place to  Hornbeak at bCMS headquarters to get your best deal on a bMW
        be. All of the materials look and feel rich, and, despite my best  M850i or any other vehicle you’re interested in.
        efforts, I didn’t find any sub-par plasticky areas.       The 2019 bMW M850i convertible is a wonderful grand tourer
          Still, it’s the tech you notice most when driving the M850i. bMW  designed to carry one or two individuals quickly and comfortably
        gauges used to have white numbers and needles over a black back-  either over vast distances or just out to dinner. It’s not a car for
        ground with orange backlighting. No more. Now everything’s virtual  everybody, but if you’re fortunate enough to be able to afford it,
        and configurable, and located on a screen right in front of the driver.  and you don’t need to transport kids to soccer practice or wher-
        The curmudgeon in me wants to not like this change, but I do. vis-  ever, this is a bMW you’ll be happy to own.
        ibility and, critically, the imparting of important information, are sig-
        nificantly enhanced, which is really all that matters.    To get your best deal on a new bMW, call Phil Hornbeak at
          driving the M850i is a treat, mostly because of the muscular  bCMS at 210-301-4367.
        engine described above, but also because of a very well sorted
        chassis. The ride is a little rougher than I’d like, but the handling  Stephen Schutz, MD, is a board-certified gastroenterolo-
        is first rate, especially on high speed b-roads and open highways.  gist who lived in San Antonio in the 1990s when he was
        Nevertheless, the overwhelming sense you get when driving this      stationed here in the U.S. Air Force. He has been writing
        car is that it’s fast. like very fast in all conditions at all times.  auto reviews for San Antonio Medicine since 1995.

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