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        also experience untold stress and anxiety.               From 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019, the Biggs Institute invites
          Dr. Seshadri has worked as a dementia researcher for more than  the public to attend a free informational event in the Carlos Alvarez
        two decades, and she is a senior investigator in the Framingham  Studio Theater of the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts. I will
        Heart Study. This New England-based study has enrolled three gen-  moderate  a  panel  discussion  on  “Protecting  your  brain  from
        erations of people since 1948. Investigators are learning valuable  Alzheimer’s disease: role of sleep, diet and exercise.” Dr. Seshadri
        insights by analyzing the health outcomes of these participants, in-  and other experts, including UT Health San Antonio’s Alan Peter-
        cluding associations between heart health and dementia.   son, Ph.D., who studies combat-related post-traumatic stress, will
          In December 2017, we recruited Dr. Seshadri to UT Health San  discuss some observed associations between aspects of daily living
        Antonio to serve as the founding director of the Biggs Institute.  and long-term brain health. I encourage the public to save the date
        It was quite a coup for our community. National Institutes of  and  attend  this  interesting  presentation.  Book  your  spot  at:
        Health funding is very difficult to obtain in this era, and high-qual-
        ity researchers typically have one or two NIH grants. Dr. Seshadri,  ence-community-event/.
        a demonstrated leader                                                                        The  same  week,
        in the field of demen-                                                                     Dr.  Seshadri  will
        tia,  is  an  investigator                                                                 welcome   leaders
        on no less than eight                                                                      from  the  National
        NIH grants. We could                                                                       Institutes of Health,
        not have chosen a bet-                                                                     the Alzheimer’s As-
        ter leader to champion                                                                     sociation and other
        this  cause  in  our  city                                                                 top academic med-
        and region.                                                                                ical  centers  for  the
          The Biggs Institute,                                                                     inaugural   “South
        backed by $50 million                                                                      Texas  Conference
        raised  from  the  San                                                                     on Transformational
        Antonio  community,                                                                        Care, Research and
        will   tackle   the                                                                        Therapeutics   in
        Alzheimer’s  challenge                                                                     Alzheimer’s   Dis-
        from  all  sides  —  by                                                                    ease.”  Health  care
        caring for caregivers, by                                                                  providers  are  en-
        providing novel thera-                                                                     couraged to reserve
        pies in clinical trials, by                                                                Monday  and  Tues-
        understanding risk factors in Hispanics, and by identifying molecular  day, Feb. 25 and 26, and plan to attend this major symposium in our
        signatures of the disease and new pathways to prevent and treat it.  city. To register, visit:
        This is an all-out commitment to quelling the rising tsunami. We do  alzheimers-conference/.
        it for patients and families, in memory of a great friend to the San  Partnering with the community, the Biggs Institute will respond
        Antonio community, Glenn Biggs.                        to the Alzheimer’s tsunami by understanding the biology of this
          Known for his dedication and service to the community, Mr.  complex disease, which will lead us to ways of preventing it and
        Biggs was a prominent figure whose leadership influenced eco-  delivering personalized treatment. Our children and grandchil-
        nomic development across San Antonio. When he was diagnosed  dren will be the beneficiaries. In this way, we will honor the name
        with Alzheimer’s disease, he and his family struggled to find com-  of Glenn Biggs, his family, and all who have died of dementia
        prehensive care. This search led him to approach UT Health San  and other brain diseases.
        Antonio and community leaders to address the need for a compre-
        hensive center dedicated to understanding Alzheimer’s disease. His  Dr. William L. Henrich is President and Professor of  Medicine at UT
        vision of a center to transform care and advance discovery is now  Health San Antonio.
        alive in the Biggs Institute at UT Health San Antonio.

                                                                                               visit us at  27
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