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piloting the S90 is, not surprisingly, a lot like driving a lower and driven around by chauffeurs, so I expected the rear seats to be com-
lighter XC90, which is to say, not as good as driving a Mercedes E- fortable, and they were. But Volvo made sure the driver and front
Class or Audi A6. seat passengers were also well taken care of.
Naturally, the design of the S90 is very different from the XC90. Oh, by the way, Volvo seats have been industry benchmarks for
Long, low, and wide, the S90 is reminiscent of those classic late decades, and thankfully Geely didn’t mess that up. I loved every
1960s Pontiac Grand Prixs we all remember from print ads. And I minute I spent sitting in the S90’s wonderful seats.
appreciate that Volvo designers decided that less is more and stuck Many options and option packages can be had in the S90, as is the
with a simple, sleek, and modern sedan shape. The new S90 looks case with every luxury vehicle. As always, I recommend calling
good from any angle. BCMS’ own Phil Hornbeak before you buy any new or used vehicle.
The same goes for the interior, which is very contemporary and Volvo cars is in a good place right now thanks to their surprisingly
undeniably attractive. Most infotainment functions are controlled successful purchase by Geely Motors. Their product portfolio is bet-
via an intuitive touch screen, which, unlike other brands actually ter than it’s ever been, and the new S90 is proof. As the Chinese car
works well. Volvo left a few redundant buttons and knobs anyway market continues to expand and mature, I expect more good things
as a time saver, but I found myself rarely needing them as swiping from Volvo.
up, down, or sideways usually got me what I wanted. Volvo’s user
interface is the closest thing I’ve seen (in a car) to an iPad. After If you’re in the market for this kind of vehicle, call Phil Hornbeak
about five years of saying that Audi’s MMI is the best user interface at 210-301-4367.
in the world, I’m officially handing the baton to Volvo. They are
now the industry standard, in my opinion. (For the record, since they Stephen Schutz, MD, is a board-certified gastroenterologist
don’t provide press cars I haven’t yet tried Tesla’s touchscreen, but who lived in San Antonio in the 1990s when he was stationed
I can’t imagine their system is any better than Volvo’s.) here in the U.S. Air Force. He has been writing auto reviews
The S80’s seating is also first rate. Chinese executives are generally for San Antonio Medicine since 1995.
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