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        function problems and are resistant to learning these new procedures  can make the most informed decisions for themselves.
        because they are set in their ways. They also don’t give women the  Education is the key to better healthcare. I use various social
        time and care they deserve due to insurance constraints and the use  media platforms to educate women and men and to answer ques-
        of Electronic Medical Records.                         tions including Facebook (I did my first live chat on Labiaplasty a
          Women who may need surgery for incontinence can end up with  few weeks ago), Instagram, and RealSelf, where questions are pre-
        a hysterectomy as well because of the two lines doctors use that I  sented daily and reviews and before and after photos are available.
        strongly dislike: “While we are in there” and “You don’t need it any-  I was asked by the American College of Obstetricians and Gyne-
        more.”  Unfortunately,  some  doctors                                        cologists (ACOG) to create an online
        remove the uterus and cervix because                                         educational eModule on the Labia Mi-
        they make more money without letting                                         nora and Labiaplasty procedures for
        their patients know that it doesn’t al-                                      my  Ob/Gyn  colleagues  which  they
        ways need to come out. It is important                                       copyrighted and published at the end
        to understand that the uterus is still                                       of 2015 and have a book on Amazon
        useful after childbirth because it con-                                      called  “Beneath  Your  Pink  Perfect:
        tributes to orgasmic contractions and                                        Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
        the cervix not only supports the top of                                      About Labiaplasty But Didn’t Know to
        the vagina but lubricates it as well. I am                                   Ask” for women seeking information
        always surprised when a patient tells                                        about the extra tissue, why it has oc-
        me  she  has  had  a  hysterectomy  but                                      curred,  what  questions  to  ask  their
        doesn’t know if she still has her ovaries                                    doctors and what they can do about it.
        or cervix. How can you let a doctor op-                                      I was privileged to be chosen to give a
        erate and not fully understand what is                                       TedxTalk in San Antonio last Novem-
        being  done  to  you?  Consents  are                                         ber and picked the topic of Female
        signed but it seems that women are                                           Anatomy 101, which can be seen on
        signing without fully understanding what procedure(s) they are hav-  YouTube. On Nov. 15, I will be giving a dinner presentation on
        ing. Also, when you go to your doctor who has taken good care of  “Life-Changing Issues Ob/Gyns Don’t Talk About but Should” at
        you for many years, and s/he says you need surgery, you trust this  Scuzzi’s Italian Restaurant. Anyone who is interested can contact
        person’s opinion and don’t know the questions you should be asking.   my office.
          Too often women are being dismissed with comments like “it’s  My years of experience in practice have allowed me to change
        all in your head” or “you are normal,” or “squeeze your muscles”  women’s lives and give them back their self-esteem and self-confi-
        whereas I have patients who couldn’t keep a tampon in, couldn’t  dence. I receive hundreds of letters and cards from women whose
        run around with their children due to leakage of urine, have inti-  lives I have helped dramatically improve and who finally feel com-
        macy problems with their spouse or partner, or can’t exercise, do  fortable in their bodies.
        routine activities or wear a bathing suit due to extra tissue getting  Of course, like all women, juggling work and home-life can be
        in the way or making them feel self-conscious. So many of my pa-  challenging. I’ve been extraordinarily lucky in that my husband has
        tients come in with little or no knowledge about their bodies. Every-  been extremely supportive as has my son. I think it’s important for
        one should be taught about their anatomy and how their parts work  him to see his parents work hard to give him a foundation for inde-
        to know when something is wrong. I have been trained in the newest  pendence and to be passionate about work and helping others.
        technologies including heat application and PRP which are non-sur-
        gical no downtime options that can replace hormones for vaginal  Dr. Troy Robbin Hailparn is a board-certified Ob/Gyn focusing on Ad-
        dryness and help with incontinence, vaginal tightness and orgasmic  vanced Cosmetic-Plastic Gynecology and Reconstruction techniques. She can be
        intensity. As a woman and a doctor, it is imperative to have both  contacted at or at (210) 615-6646, and has an inform-
        compassion and sensitivity to these issues and tell them about all  ative website  Her office is located at 525 Oak Centre
        the available treatment options – surgical and non-surgical – so they  Drive, Suite 220, SA, TX 78258.

         18  San Antonio Medicine   •  November  2018
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