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                  BCMS LEGISLATIVE NEWS


          EFFECTIVE AS OF OCT. 1

            On Monday, Oct. 1, the day the new Tobacco 21 Ordinance
          went into effect, SA Metro Health hosted a press conference,
          including participating supporters (of which BCMS is a mem-
          ber) at the William R. Sinkin Eco Center at San Antonio Col-
          lege.  Among the speakers were:  Dr. Colleen Bridger, SA
          Metro Health Director and District 7 Councilwoman Ana San-
          doval, chair of the City of San Antonio Health Equity Com-
          mittee.  San Antonio becomes the first city in Texas to pass
          and implement an ordinance to raise the age to purchase to-
          bacco products to 21.

            For  more  information  on  the  new  ordinance,  go  to:

                                                           PETE FLORES BECOMES

                                                           THE NEW SENATOR FOR

                                                           SENATE DISTRICT 19

                                                             The special election for Senate District 19 took place on Sept. 18
                                                           and the new Senator who will represent the people of this district is
                                                           retired game warden, Pete Flores.  This was a historical election in
                                                           that Sen. Flores won a seat held by Democrats for the last 139 years.
                                                           His Democrat opponent was former state and U.S. Representative
                                                           Pete Gallego. In addition, Sen. Flores becomes the first Hispanic Re-
                                                           publican Senator in the Texas Senate.  I stopped by the campaign
                                                           watch party to congratulate Mr. Flores on behalf of BCMS.

                                                             For local discussion on this and other legislative advocacy top-
                                                           ics, consider joining the BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics
                                                           Committee by contacting Mary Nava, chief  government affairs
                                                           officer at

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