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By Sheldon Gross, MD, 2018 BCMS President
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to discuss the importance of a group of individ- encourage them to
uals who are seldom mentioned. These are individuals who do- learn about the alliance
nate their time, have a great deal of creativity and dedication, and hopefully become
and work hard to support physicians and improve healthcare in active at some level. If
our city and our country. I am referring to the Bexar County one hears of a program
Medical Society Alliance. sponsored by the al-
My first exposure to alliance members was related to TEX- liance, I encourage all
PAC. I met several individuals who were representing the alliance physicians to support it. There have been several members of
at our TEXPAC board meetings. These were some of the our state legislature that have been alliance members from dif-
smartest, sophisticated, and insightful individuals on the entire ferent parts of our state. I am hopeful that at some point we will
board. TEXPAC eventually decided to award a single outstand- have an alliance member from San Antonio as a state senator or
ing alliance member with an honor and recognition by the entire state representative. One of the characteristics of a healthy or-
organization. This honor was named after a San Antonio Al- ganization is that it recognizes its strengths. Bexar County Med-
liance member, Ms. June Bratcher. I quickly came to learn that ical Society has a tremendous strength in the form of our alliance
alliance members are very bright individuals who want to help membership.
in any way they can. When one thinks of the Medical Society In addition to supporting our alliance, I would again like to
Alliance, there is a social component to it. It is an organization remind our membership that the Texas Medical Association
that enables people to meet other physician spouses and develop meets in San Antonio on May 18th and 19th. The TMA Foun-
new friendships. However, it is much more than that. dation will have its annual gala that Friday evening. As the host
The alliance is constantly trying to develop new programs to city, I would hope that many San Antonio physicians will attend.
improve public health in San Antonio. Whether it involves pro- This money goes directly to the foundation where it serves a
viding helmets for children to wear while riding bicycles or trips number of outstanding causes. I hope to see many of you there.
to Austin to lobby our state representatives and state senators,
they play an invaluable role.
As President of Bexar County Medical Society, I want to en-
courage all member physicians to speak with your spouses and Bexar County Medical Society
8 San Antonio Medicine • May 2018