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        and they easily cut through his jeans.                   I went on to say “Oh no, we forgot one thing!” Everyone looked
          Good news! He did not have a significant bleed. “Do you have  at each other around this poor man on a hot asphalt and wondered
        some gauzes in that kit?” I further asked, “ 4x4’s?”   what?
          Immediately I was handed gauzes. Asking for a kerlex roll I was  “Did anyone check his insurance?” I said. I smiled and we all
        then given that too quicker than in any OR.            laughed (though our new patient less).
          At that point another lady came rushing up and said “I’m a doc-  I looked back at his foot and the ER doc had already reduced it.
        tor.” I’ve learned to always ask “What kind of doctor are you?”  By the time the EMT’s came, a lot had been done: comforted,
        Once before I had been in an emergency situation when a person  evaluated, bandaged and reduced.
        came up and offered their doctoring services... they were a psychi-  The miracle on this day was that it was a group effort. Each one
        atrist. ‘Really?!?’ Nothing against psychiatrists, of course but ....  In  of us could have done little or nothing without the others. This was
        this case, however, they said “I’m an ER doc.”  Spectacular. Within  truly a Good Friday or beginning of Passover to always recall. It
        seconds she looked, assessed and said “Compound fracture. Let’s  shows the kindness in so many people. It is a kindness and giving
        reduce it.”                                            from people who asked for nothing in return and will never be rec-
          Being a little hesitant I said “Here? Now?”          ognized.
          “How’s his pulses” she responded.                      I left a few hours later after giving the police report. Although I
          “Shoot” I said, “I knew I forgot something!” We smiled. The as-  never made it to church I knew I had attended a religious experience
        sistant with gloves provided more gloves and we removed his blood-  spectacular unto itself.
        ied sock to reveal good pulses.
          I looked at him and said” You are one lucky guy! Here you have  Robert Lemke, DDS, MD is a Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial
        a nurse, dental assistant, an ER nurse, an ER doctor and an Oral &  Surgeon who has practiced in San Antonio for over 24 years and sometimes
        Maxillofacial Surgeon.” He smiled.                     makes detours.

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