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        Focusing on the youth to

        avoid “physician burnout”

        By Sheldon Gross, MD, 2018 BCMS President

           I have now been in private practice for 34 years. I am happy to  benefit immensely from a
        say that I still enjoy coming to work and feel great satisfaction from  personal standpoint.  It is
        working with patients. I have observed many colleagues in the  hard to become burned out
        process. Some have maintained their enthusiasm, energy, and love  if  you  are  surrounded  by
        of their career.  Others have developed “physician burnout.” There  people who are enthusiastic
        has been a great deal of attention devoted to this recently. Numer-  and eager to learn. Clearly,
        ous articles and lecture series have been dedicated to this. From a  we are looking at a symbiotic relationship. Medical students and res-
        societal standpoint, the reason is obvious. Our country needs more  idents are hungry to learn from the experience of more seasoned
        physicians. In particular, we need physicians with many years of ex-  practitioners. Seasoned practitioners benefit immensely from shar-
        perience. From an individual standpoint, the reason is even more  ing  in  the  enthusiasm  and  love  of  medicine  displayed  by  our
        compelling. All of us have devoted a huge amount of time and en-  younger colleagues.
        ergy to becoming physicians. As is the case in so many different ca-  San Antonio now has two medical schools. The University of
        reers, physicians typically get better with age.  With our experience  Texas Health Science Center is welcoming a new Dean, Dr. Hro-
        and knowledge over the years, we can reach a diagnosis more quickly  mas. The University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic
        and oftentimes can avoid mistakes that we have witnessed in the  Medicine is now accepting students for its second class. I encour-
        past. The main challenge is to keep up with new developments in  age practitioners to contact one of these two institutions and let
        our fields. This is the obvious advantage of being recently trained.    them know if you are interested in working with medical students.
           During one of my more pensive moods, I reflected on what dif-  I have never regretted time spent teaching and sharing experiences
        ferentiates those who remain enthused about medicine and those  with my younger colleagues.
        who don’t. One particular experience in my own practice stood out.  At the same time that we focus on teaching students and resi-
        A fourth-year medical student was visiting my office and shadowing  dents, we have to maintain our focus on being in control of our
        me for the day. I have always enjoyed this and found this refreshing  own practice.  We have to maintain focus on ensuring that the bu-
        and stimulating.                                       reaucratic non-clinical burden on physicians does not overwhelm
           We went into the exam room to see a new patient. This was a 7-  us. This is why I am constantly encouraging people to become active
        year-old boy who had new onset Bell’s palsy. Over 34 years, I have  in organized medicine. One of the many goals of the TMA and
        lost count of how many patients I have seen with Bell’s palsy. How-  AMA is to maintain as much physician control as possible.
        ever, for this medical student it was the first patient he had ever seen  For those of you that have had other experiences that renewed
        with this condition. I observed his enthusiasm about finally seeing  your enthusiasm about medicine, I welcome letters to the editor.
        something he had only studied previously. I witnessed his eagerness
        to learn more about it and discuss my past experience with Bell’s  Sincerely,
        palsy. At the end of the day, he thanked me profusely for a stimu-  SHELDON GROSS, MD
        lating afternoon. As I witnessed this student’s response to seeing  Bexar County Medical Society
        his first case of Bell’s palsy, it reminded me of the enthusiasm I had
        during medical school and postgraduate training. It reminded me
        of why I became a physician in the first place. It reminded me of
        how fortunate I am to have a career that stays challenging and fas-  Editor’s note:
        cinating throughout one’s lifetime. I know that in every field of  Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be addressed to
        medicine there are practicing physicians who not only have a great  BCMS Editorial Dept., 4334 N. Loop 1604 W., San Antonio, Texas
        deal to teach medical students, residents, and fellows, but would also  78249 or send email to

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