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with the pharmacy before making a trip there. eyes of the patients it would be viewed as good customer service.
The app also has the feature of adding up the costs of all the pa- The physician would obviously have to caution the patient on how
tient’s medications and telling the patient which is the best pharmacy to use any information about pharmacies, the quoted prices, drug
to use if they want to purchase all medications in one place. Other information and such. Patients should also be reminded that any
features of the app include: reminder of when each prescription dosages, uses, etc., may be different in the app from what the doctor
needs to be refilled, health news tips, and information on the med- has prescribed. So, use the app knowing its limitations.
icine’s use, dosing, side effects, drug interactions, etc. In my research of GoodRx, I reviewed their website
I could see a physician using the app on his/her phone to record (, I checked with the Better Business Bureau, I
all the medications they normally prescribe, thus having information checked, and While most feedback about
on pharmacies and their prices available to show patients. In the GoodRx is very positive, the most common complaint was about
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