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Increasing Our Effectiveness
By Sheldon Gross, MD, 2018 BCMS President
Dear Colleagues,
I have said previously that Bexar County Medical Society is a bill entirely in hopes of
great organization that has the potential to become even greater. having another bill in the
I would like to discuss specific steps we can take to increase our future that would include
effectiveness locally, at a state-wide level, and at a national level. more of your key points?
Many of you are already involved with the Texas Medical Associ- The AMA made the deci-
ation. There are numerous councils and committees that benefit sion to support the Afford-
from input from Bexar County members. The Chairman of the able Care Act and to stay in
Board of Trustees of the Texas Medical Association, Dr. David the inner circle. I would add that this was a controversial decision
Henkes, is from San Antonio and has done an outstanding job within the AMA House of Delegates and led to the most heated
leading the governing body of the Texas Medical Association. I debates that I had seen within the House of Delegates. The TMA
would encourage as many as possible to attend meetings of the felt it was better to oppose the bill and try to start over. The dif-
Texas Medical Association and to find areas of interest. I have ference was one of legislative strategy, not one of ultimate goals. I
long thought that the most effective volunteers for any organiza- have often had people ask me how their life is better because of
tion are those who simply enjoy it. Early in my career, I became the AMA. That is similar to someone asking how is my life any bet-
fascinated with politics and the process of getting people elected. ter by controlling my blood pressure. For the patient with high
I attended TEXPAC meetings on a regular basis and enjoyed them blood pressure, it relates to the horrible things that do not happen
immensely. Others would enjoy discussing specific legislation. such as stroke, myocardial infarction, kidney disease, or other hor-
Others would be interested in the socioeconomic aspect of health- rible complications of chronic hypertension. In the same way, I
care and others involved in the public health aspect of healthcare. would state that the AMA on a regular basis prevents very bad
There is a long list of committees and special interest groups things from happening to our healthcare system. It is oftentimes
under the Texas Medical Association umbrella. This coming May, done quietly with little fanfare. If I have any criticism of the AMA,
the Texas Medical Association will have its annual meeting in San it is that they do not effectively inform membership of the many
Antonio at the JW Marriott. I would encourage as many as possi- things they have done or prevented from happening. The funda-
ble to attend this. There will be a gala Friday evening to benefit mental question is: Are physicians better off having one strong
the Texas Medical Association Foundation. I would encourage as voice in Washington that is recognized as representing physicians
many people as possible to support this. The foundation has used as a whole or are we better represented by 30 or 40 different spe-
its money in the past to accomplish great things and enhance cialty groups with different messages speaking to the same elected
healthcare in Texas. officials? I have always felt that one strong voice is the most effec-
My next recommendation is to join the AMA. I realize this is a tive approach to take. I encourage all members of Bexar County
controversial area. Certainly, many are still upset by the stance of Medical Society to join the AMA. It will cost around $400 and will
supporting the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, made by the increase our effectiveness politically.
AMA several years ago. That decision deserves some in-depth dis- During my year as president I will welcome debate and differing
cussion. The goals of the AMA and the goals of the TMA with opinions from my own. I look forward to hearing from those of
regards to an ideal healthcare system were essentially identical. The you who agree or disagree with my opinions. The wide range of
two organizations wanted the same thing. The Affordable Care Act perspectives within our organization is part of what makes us
certainly included many things we both wanted, but also omitted great.
things that we felt were necessary. One then has to make decisions
with regards to legislative strategy. If a bill has 60 percent of what Sincerely,
you want, do you support it and try to remain in the inner circle Sheldon Gross, MD
with hopes of improving it as time goes on? Do you oppose the President, Bexar County Medical Society
8 San Antonio Medicine • February 2018