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            Aligning Electronic

            Health Record Use

            With Performance



            Beth E. Michel, MLD, CPHRM

                   he  concept  of  performance  improvement  is  dis-  continued improvement.
          T        cussed frequently among members of the healthcare  able tool in the performance improvement process. However, the
                                                                 Because EHR systems collect a wealth of data, they can be a valu-
                   community. We generally understand that to improve
                   patient outcomes, we must improve performance, or  challenge is understanding how to aggregate and analyze the data,
        the delivery of care.                                  evaluate the results, and then develop strategies and initiatives to
          Yet, when juggling implementation of new evidence-based prac-  improve the delivery of care and generate better patient outcomes.
        tices, adoption of new technologies, and healthcare reform, it is easy  The following sections of this article discuss some specific ways
        for “performance improvement” to become just a phrase rather  in which your practice can meet this challenge and incorporate your
        than a daily conscious focus for healthcare providers.  EHR system into quality initiatives.
          This article brings the issue of performance improvement back
        into focus by examining ways in which you can use an electronic  High-Risk Situations
        health record (EHR) system to support positive change in your  Identifying situations that create high risk for your practice should
        practice.                                              be the starting point when considering how EHR data can help you
                                                               develop performance improvement goals. A few common, high-
        Using an EHR System To Drive                           risk situations are discussed below.
        Performance Improvement
          A well-defined performance improvement process involves iden-  Test Result Tracking
        tifying opportunities for improvement, designing and conducting  Failure to address all test results is a frequent underlying cause of
        an audit, implementing a corrective action plan, and evaluating for  the top allegation in medical malpractice claims — failure to diag-

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