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        recommends aiming for an HbA1c <6.5 prior to conception (5),
        while the Endocrine Society recommends an HbA1c level “as close
        to normal as possible” without causing undue hypoglycemia (6).
        Particularly in women with type 2 diabetes who may have a high
        bMI, weight loss and associated improvements in insulin sensitivity
        may help improve ovulation and conception rates (14). Women
        with type 1 diabetes who have microvascular disease have lowered
        overall fertility rates; however, improved long-term glycemic con-
        trol and prevention of end organ damage is associated with an im-
        provement in observed fertility rates (33).

        Key Points:
        •  Menstrual abnormalities, oligomenorrhea, and PCOS are
           common in women with diabetes.
        •  There is controversy as to whether women with type 1 diabetes
           may experience an earlier age at menopause.
        •  Preconception glycemic optimization is critical in decreasing t
           he risk of pregnancy loss and diabetic embryopathy.

        1.    Wild S, Roglic G, Green A, Sicree R, King H. Global prevalence
           of diabetes: estimates for the year 2000 and projections for
           2030. diabetes Care. 2004;27(5):1047-53.
        2.    Writing  Group  for  the  SfdiYSG,  dabelea  d,  bell  RA,
           d'Agostino Rb, Jr., Imperatore G, Johansen JM, et al. Incidence
           of  diabetes  in  youth  in  the  United  States.  JAMA.
        3.    Kitzmiller Jl, Wallerstein R, Correa A, Kwan S. Preconception  JS. Menstrual cycle differences between women with type 1 di-
           care for women with diabetes and prevention of major con-  abetes  and  women  without  diabetes.  diabetes  Care.
           genital malformations. birth defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol.  2003;26(4):1016-21.
           2010;88(10):791-803.                                8.    Sim SY, Chin Sl, Tan Jl, brown SJ, Cussons AJ, Stuckey bG.
        4.    Persson M, Norman M, Hanson U. Obstetric and perinatal out-  Polycystic ovary syndrome in type 2 diabetes: does it predict a
           comes in type 1 diabetic pregnancies: A large, population-based  more severe phenotype? Fertil Steril. 2016;106(5):1258-63.
           study. diabetes Care. 2009;32(11):2005-9.           9.    Gaete X, vivanco M, Eyzaguirre FC, lopez P, Rhumie HK,
        5.    American diabetes A. 13. Management of diabetes in Preg-  Unanue N, et al. Menstrual cycle irregularities and their rela-
           nancy: Standards of Medical Care in diabetes-2018. diabetes  tionship with HbA1c and insulin dose in adolescents with type
           Care. 2018;41(Suppl 1):S137-S43.                       1 diabetes mellitus. Fertil Steril. 2010;94(5):1822-6.
        6.    blumer I, Hadar E, Hadden dR, Jovanovic l, Mestman JH,  10.  Solomon CG, Hu Fb, dunaif A, Rich-Edwards J, Willett WC,
           Murad MH, et al. diabetes and pregnancy: an endocrine society  Hunter dJ, et al. long or highly irregular menstrual cycles as a
           clinical  practice  guideline.  J  Clin  Endocrinol  Metab.  marker  for  risk  of  type  2  diabetes  mellitus.  JAMA.
           2013;98(11):4227-49.                                   2001;286(19):2421-6.
        7.    Strotmeyer ES, Steenkiste AR, Foley TP, Jr., berga Sl, dorman  11.  lizneva d, Suturina l, Walker W, brakta S, Gavrilova-Jordan l,

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