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         continued from page 15
                                               After the Mexi-  of   Health
                                             can-American War,  (which  later
                                             the population of  on  evolved
                                             Bexar  County  in-  into   the
                                             creased  consider-  Health  De-
                                             ably,   reaching  p a r t m e n t )
                                             10,000 inhabitants.  was  charged
                                             Of these, accord-  with the task
                                             ing   to   those  of improving
                                             records, there were  the  hygienic
                                             1,120   African-  conditions in
                                             American  slaves  the   streets
                                             valued at $676,060  and eating places, water purification, and most important at that
                                             (shame!).   Many  time, vaccination against smallpox in schoolchildren. Dr. Cupples
                                             troops  were  still  practiced in San Antonio for many years, spanning the better part
         Dr. Ferdinand Herff attended Medical school in   stationed  in  the  of the 19th Century. There is a street in the west part of San Anto-
         Germany before coming to San Antonio.
                                             area and physicians  nio that is named after him.
        were still a rare species.                               After the Civil War, there was another increase in the population
          Following the abortive revolution of 1848 in Central Europe, a  of the city, exceeding 30,000 to 40,000 people. All over the world,
        large number of Germans migrated to the United States. Some of  medical science was making remarkable progress and they came to
        them chose Texas as their final destination and established new  San Antonio as well as the rest of the Western world: the discoveries
        communities in what are now New Braunfels, Federicksburg and  of Louis Pasteur on the cause of infectious disease; Robert Koch
        others. Among them there were several physicians who left their  and other investigators identifying causative agents of infections
        mark in Bexar County. Dr. John Gaenslen had the distinction of  and the introduction of antisepsis by Lord Liston. This new knowl-
        serving in both armies, Union and Confederate, during the Civil  edge required re-evaluation of health care and San Antonio pro-
        War. The best known in San Antonio was Dr. Ferdinand Herff who  ceeded apace.
        practiced for many decades in San Antonio and founded a dynasty  In 1869, the first Santa Rosa hospital, built and managed by the
        of physicians also practicing in this city: Dr. Ferdinand Herff, his  Sisters of Charity, opened its doors on Military Plaza. Later on it
        son; Dr. John Herff and Dr. August (Auggie) Herff who was an ac-  was rebuilt and expanded in its present location at the corner of
        tive and practicing surgeon well into the second half of the 20th  Houston street and Santa Rosa.
        Century. Dr. Herff senior was born in Darmstaadt city in the old  The first City Hospital was built in 1886, to be replaced and ex-
        independent German state of Hesse and graduated in Germany be-  panded under the name of the Robert B. Green Hospital. In the
        fore coming to Texas.                                  years to come, it would become affiliated to the University of Texas
          In 1853, a group of Austin physicians took the initiative for or-  for the education and training of medical residents. Today it is one
        ganizing the first Texas Medical Association. San Antonio doctors  facility of the large city complex of medical facilities that are part
        joined eagerly and one of them, Dr. George Cupples, was elected  of the University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio.
        as one of the officers. The purpose was to unify their voices and  This article is but a very brief and compacted history of the
        actions to promote better care and health for the people of Texas.  evolving history of medicine and healthcare in Bexar County. Much
        Dr. Cupples, along with other Bexar physicians, organized the Bexar  remains to be said and to be written. The facts and data presented
        County Medical Society that same year, the first of its kind in Texas.  here were provided by the well written book by Dr. Pat Nixon “A
          Dr. Cupples was to enjoy a long and beneficial professional career  Century of Medicine in San Antonio.” Unfortunately, it was pub-
        in San Antonio. Besides being one of the founders and early presi-  lished in 1936 and much remains to be told since that year that is
        dents of the Bexar County Medical Society, Dr. Cupples was instru-  important in the great advances in medicine and healthcare that have
        mental and very active in convincing the city fathers to create a  been created and developed in the city since that time.
        Committee of Health for the city. At that time, San Antonio suf-
        fered a number of severe epidemics which caused hundreds of fa-  Dr. Jaime Pankowsky is a retired physician and a member of  the Commu-
        talities: smallpox, measles, cholera and dysentery. The Committee  nications/Publications Committee of  the Bexar County Medical Society.

         16  San Antonio Medicine   •  April  2018
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