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  Thirty four years later, the Golf GTI re-         mountain bike to my favorite trail, and it fit  intuitive, but every time I sat in the GTI I
mains a staple of the VW product lineup,            easily. Yes, I had to fold down the rear seats  thought it could really use an update. Is it
though it's far different from its first-gen pred-  and remove the bike's front wheel, but still,   crazy to suggest Joanna Gaines for the job?
ecessor. While a 1983 GTI was 155" long, 64"        pretty good.
wide, and weighed 1,750 lbs, the 2017 version                                                         If it's been a while since you shopped a
is 13" longer, 7" wider, and — OMG gurl,              We all know that US buyers generally          GTI, they're all five doors now. The three
what happened? — 1,281 lbs heavier.                 shun hatchbacks, but after a week with this     door versions were dropped a couple of
                                                    car I started to wonder if maybe I shouldn't    years ago, which is fine with me since those
  Of course, that extra size and girth means        just eschew my usual urge for ever more         extra doors provide extra utility. Many op-
larger crumple zones and creature comforts,         power and luxury and get a GTI as my next       tions and option packages are available, and
so a new GTI is both safer and more luxu-           car. A physician friend and car enthusiast      as always, BCMS' own Phil Hornbeak is
rious than it used to be. And despite the ad-       who lives in Southern California alternates     available to help you find the GTI (or what-
ditional weight, a 2017 GTI can scamper             between a new GTI and—oh yes, I am en-          ever) that's right for you.
from 0-60MPH in just 5.9 seconds com-               vious—Ferrari 430 for his daily commute,
pared with 10.6 seconds back in 1983 thanks         and he loves the spunky VW.                       Despite being 34 years more advanced
to a huge boost in horsepower (210 now vs                                                           than my wonderful 1984 model, the 2017
90 then). Amazingly, thanks to continuous             The GTI's design is best described as un-     Volkswagen GTI is a fun car that's good at
improvements in powertrain technology,              derstated, which is the way it's always been.   pretty much everything, and yet somehow
modern GTIs are more fuel efficient than            Recently retired Volkswagen Group chair-        feels remarkably like my old car to drive. I
they were back in the day (1983 - 21 MPG            man Ferdinand Piech—the most influential        wish it had a better interior, but it's impos-
city/26 MPG highway, 2017 - 24/34).                 automotive figure of the last 50 years, in my   sible not to recommend a new GTI to any-
                                                    opinion — preferred restrained exterior         body who values driving dynamics and
  For the record, the new GTI comes with            styling, and he generally got his way. Do I     doesn't need SUV helpings of space for
a turbocharged 2.0 liter four cylinder that         wish the GTI attracted as much attention as     family, pets, and Costco stuff.
can be had with either a twin-clutch six-           a Ford Focus ST, one of its main competi-
speed automatic or six-speed manual. The            tors? If I were 28, the answer might be,          If you’re in the market for this kind of
manual would be my choice, though it                "Hell yeah, bro!" but 54-year-old me re-        vehicle, call Phil Hornbeak at 210-301-
should be noted that the first three gears are      spects VW for ignoring fads and staying true    4367.
a little tall for this engine and its turbo lag,    to their principles.
so the automatic actually feels more lively at                                                                       Steve Schutz, MD, is a board-cer-
lower speeds.                                         I wish they had made the GTI's interior                     tified gastroenterologist who lived in
                                                    look more special, though. The plastics and                   San Antonio in the 1990s when he
  While I will always say that my old (and          other materials are mostly black and boring                   was stationed here in the U.S. Air
slow) analogue GTI was more fun to drive            to behold, with a look that hasn't changed      Force. He has been writing auto reviews for San
than the new one is, that's probably my rose        enough since the early '00s. All the tech you   Antonio Medicine since 1995.
colored memory glasses at work, because             expect is there including a modern central
the new one is a lot of fun. It's very agile,       touch screen that works very well and is even
especially around town, and it gives you very
pleasing feedback as you drive, including ex-
cellent steering feel and nice engine sounds.

  The GTI is good on the interstate or high
speed back roads, but it's most at home on
zippy/twisty roads, be they urban or rural.
And driving it reminded me of why so many
enthusiast publications call the GTI a great

  That would include giving owners utility,
by the way. I used the GTI to carry my 29"

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