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tion along with substance addiction, because the same                                                 Donald L. Hilton Jr., MD meeting the Pope.
changes in these varied addictions are found in brain studies
and the behaviors are almost identical.                                   88% of the scenes contain physical aggression and 49% contain
                                                                          verbal aggression toward women. Therefore, many girls are thus
  For instance, a study published in the Journal of the                   scripted to be ‘porn-ready’ for ‘porn-conditioned’ boys. For in-
American Medical Association (JAMA) from of the Max                       stance, the push for teen girls to allow porn-programmed boys to
Planck Institute in Germany showed alterations in the re-                 perform painful anal sex on them was described as “coercion” in a
ward area of the brain in compulsive pornography use, and                 recent study in the British Medical Journal , yet Teen Vogue then
the more hours of pornography viewed per week, the more                   contributed to this coercion by encouraging minor teenage females
the alteration. A study done at Cambridge University ex-                  to allow porn-scripted boys to perform anal sex on them. Their
amining compulsive pornography users also demonstrated                    sexual scripts are thus programed to cater to males and to suppress
a different alteration in a region associated with the reward             their own feelings and desires.
center, and both the British and German studies demon-
strated impaired connectivity with the frontal executive con-               Fourth, the brain’s mirror neuron systems are also an important
trol centers of the thinking brain.                                       consideration in understanding the impact of pornography on
                                                                          young brains. Mirror neurons cause us to project ourselves into
  Children and emerging adults are particularly vulnerable to these       what we are seeing. A study out of France used functional MRI to
brain changes. Let us consider five reasons for this. First, the frontal  examine the effect of pornography on the brains of those watching
executive centers in the thinking brain are not fully developed until     it. The authors found that “…the mirror-neuron system prompts
the mid-twenties. This is because the connections have not matured        the observers to resonate with the motivational state ….” of those
and the brain wires are not yet insulated, processes which are re-        they are watching. What is the motivational state these youth are
spectively called pruning and myelination. Yet this age represents a      emotionally ‘resonating’ with?
large percentage of those who view pornography and those used
as performers in pornography without real informed consent.                 Bill Margold, a famous male pornography performer, said, “I’d
Wealthy companies like MindGeek are profiting from the exploita-          like to really show what I believe the men want to see: violence
tion of vulnerable emerging adults. Their profits are built on the        against women. I firmly believe that we serve a purpose by showing
broken minds and bodies of these young people.                            that. We want to inundate the world…” He and his fellow per-
                                                                          formers are infusing the next generation of males and females with
  Second, brain chemicals such as DeltaFosB which are important           a violent “motivational state.” They are programming the sexual
in pleasure reward processing and in addiction are expressed more         templates of millions of youth with toxic sexual scripts through a
potently in immature brains. Children and emerging adults are             powerful neuroplastic process of pathological learning. Porn is
more responsive and vulnerable to rewards than adults. Drugs like         also destroying the ability to feel emotion. As one woman said of
cocaine and behaviors like sex can reset the hedonic set point, or        the change that came over her husband because of pornography,
pleasure thermostat, of their brains more easily and create a new         “A layer of empathy had been ground away.”
normal. Thus, the evidence supports greater vulnerability in forming
novel attachments to powerful rewards such as pornography. An                                                                                continued on page 30
immature braking system is in effect paired with an accelerated re-                                                            visit us at 29
ward system drive.

  Third, pornography has effectively become the primary mode of
sexual education of youth. Because pornography is often the first
exposure to sexuality it influences sexual arousal templates and pro-
grams sexual scripts. Consider that 93% of boys and 62% of girls
under the age of 18 have been exposed to internet pornography.
What are these minors seeing? Ninety four percent reported watch-
ing mixed sexual intercourse, 69% watched same sex intercourse,
and 83% watched sexual intercourse between more than two people.
A review of the 250 most popular pornographic films found that
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