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  Hurricane Harvey was one of the worst storms to hit Texas in        rary shelter.
more than 20 years. In addition to the damage caused by its initial     The Bexar County Medical Society recruited 207 of its physician
impact near Rockport, the storm wreaked even more devastation in
the Houston area where it stalled and, over a six-day period, dumped  members and 370 other medical personnel volunteers to provide med-
a record 51 inches of rain — the most ever in the continental U.S.    ical services for the benefit of displaced Hurricane Harvey evacuees.

  Harvey caused an estimated $75 billion in damage. More than           Working with Metro Health, the BCMS volunteers provided 24-
450,000 people have requested assistance from the Federal Emer-       hour medical coverage beginning August 25 at a number of shelters
gency Management Agency (FEMA). More than 72,000 people had           set up in San Antonio.
to be rescued during the storm and another 30,000 needed tempo-
                                                                        The Chair of the BCMS Emergency Preparedness Committee,
                                                                      Dr. David Cohen directed the efforts, supported by BCMS staff

                                                                                                                                          continued on page 34

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