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have committed themselves to. The virtuous mission represents the priority of healthcare teams. The utility of mid-level health workers
bioethical dedication to compassionate caretaking that all health pro- in facilitating the clinical duties of the physician is undeniable in this
fessionals must learn to value above their own private interests in endeavor. Consider a patient with sickle cell disease. The care of this
order to maintain the highest standards of care. patient will typically involve nurses, nurse practitioners, respiratory
therapists, social workers, and counselors managing the difficulties
The Association of American Medical Colleges advises that com- of caring for a child with a chronic illness. Having these colleagues
pensating for the national shortage of physicians will require “effi- available to attend to various duties can enable the physician to direct
cient use of all health professionals on the care team.” [2] Addressing highly-organized patient management.[8] On the other hand, a sense
this issue on a worldwide scale has produced an unprecedented surge of entitlement to decision-making regarding patients will only brew
of hybridized care teams. [3] For the purpose of ensuring the effec- discontent between providers with overlapping job descriptions.
tive flow of patient information and clinical tasks, it is now more Physicians and mid-level health workers should instead strive for
important than ever to understand the differences between physi- gratification by realizing that synchronizing their efforts provides
cian-level and mid-level practice. Mid-level health workers have been quality care that is greater than the sum of its parts.
successfully taking care of patients around the world for over a cen-
tury. [4] Various categories of these professionals exist today with Neutralizing competitive attitudes between doctors and mid-level
different amounts of medical education and certification. These providers is necessary to promoting “well-being for all at all ages”
workers are generally trained in history-taking, patient counseling, by the year 2030 as outlined in the United Nations Sustainable De-
performing physical examinations, and/or prescribing medication. velopment Goals. [9] Mid-level health services are widespread and
Although their scope of practice is generally narrower than that of provide patients with more healthcare options in addition to facili-
physicians, they widely render autonomous health services and tating physician duties within integrated settings. Multidisciplinary
thereby partially alleviate the burden of physician shortages. Accord- collaboration within patient care should be viewed as an opportunity
ing to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, these workers constitute to optimize the quality of medical services rather than being dwelled
over half of the entire national healthcare workforce. [5] Their pro- upon as an impediment to further clinical advancement. As health-
liferation has reshaped the modern clinical environment. care workers our goal is to promote the general welfare by ensuring
that our patients receive optimal medical attention. Accomplishing
The conflict between health practitioners of different levels is this objective will be our collective contribution to improving the
born partly from the belief of some doctors that the relatively lesser standards of living for those in need. This includes the resolution
extent of mid-level educational training should subjugate mid-level of occupational disputes that run counter to our common goal by
providers to physicians when it comes to clinical decision-making. adversely impacting the quality of care provided. Integrated clinical
Another cause of animosity that can arise from physicians toward environments may cause health workers to lose sight of the specifics
other providers is the perception that mid-level care diminishes the of workplace roles, but the virtuous mission of healthcare renders
patient-doctor relationship by usurping physician responsibilities. this concern trivial compared to whether or not patients are being
This worry of some physicians may extend to concerns about the properly attended to. The true caregiver is the individual that safe-
patient-doctor relationship being so disrupted that it is eventually guards health interests of patients - regardless of his or her degree
rendered obsolete. [6] At the same time, mid-level practitioners do of educational achievement – as dictated by the basic bioethical prin-
not always take kindly to being viewed as inferior caregivers. The ciples of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Physi-
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners has repeatedly con- cians and mid-level providers should therefore always aim to uphold
demned the use of terminology such as “non- physician provider” the virtuous mission of healthcare. In an era where healthcare is con-
and “allied-health provider”, citing derogatory connotations that do stantly evolving to meet the needs of patients, the virtuous mission
not reflect the advanced care delivered to patients on a daily basis will ultimately guide humanity to the rescue.
by licensed mid-level practitioners across the country. [7] These are
some of the main sources of conflict among healthcare providers Ammar N. Saigal is a fourth-year medical student who is cur-
with differing credentials attempting to care for the same patients. rently studying to become an Orthopaedic Surgeon at the UT Health
San Antonio Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine.
In light of these competitive tensions, it is important not to forget
that taking proper care of sick individuals is the common, utmost
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