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2017 Volvo XC 90

 By Steve Schutz, MD

  North American Truck of the year, Motor        Billion, if they had kept the original XC 90    ular upstarts keep their proverbial heads
Trend SUV of the year, Sunday Times Top          platform, updated the engines and transmis-     down.
SUV and 4x4, IIHS Top Safety Pick, and on        sions, and completely re-done the interior.
and on. And that’s just in the U.S. The latest   My sense was that there wasn’t anything           As hinted at above, the previous XC 90
Volvo XC 90 has also wowed the automotive        wrong with the old XC 90 that those             had an unimpressive interior. While the lay-
press in Europe and around the world since       changes wouldn’t have fixed.                    out and tech were fine, the materials left
it launched spectacularly in 2015. Still, while                                                  something to be desired. I owned a first gen
I know it’s kind of a big deal, as they say, I     Still, while the new XC is bigger and has     XC 90 for many years and loved it, mostly,
needed to experience it to see what all the      very attractive and sleek styling, it doesn’t   but intermittent rattles and continual inte-
fuss was about.                                  look that much different from the old one.      rior material degradation were very discour-
                                                 The proportions are similar, as are the very    aging. Owners of the new XC 90 will
  Candidly, at first I thought it was just a     Volvo-esque grille, bulbous beltline, and       experience neither of those downers. From
reskin of the original XC 90, which it’s not.    (highly) vertical taillights that extend up to  the headliner to the dashboard to the gauges,
Instead it sits on an all new platform that      the roofline. Designwise, the new XC 90         everything you see in the XC 90 is high
adds 5 inches in wheelbase, 6 inches in          doesn’t take any risks, instead following the   quality. And it features materials that feel as
length, and 4 inches in width to the origi-      Audi Q7 into the land of understatement.        substantial as they look. Obviously, Geely
nal’s dimensions. Given how expensive            Which is OK with me, by the way. As luxury      heard the feedback from owners of the old
things are these days, I wouldn’t have blamed    crossovers push past luxury sedans in the       XC 90 and made corrections. Lots of them.
Geely, the Chinese conglomerate that             hearts and minds of well-heeled customers,
bought Volvo from Ford in 2010 for $1.8          it probably makes sense to have those vehic-      Naturally, the larger platform means
                                                                                                 there’s more space for people and gear in the

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