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education at UT Health.                                      UT HEALTH
                                              “In continuing the mis-                                  SAN ANTONIO

                                            sions of the Joe R. and Teresa                      Dr. William L. Henrich received his undergraduate de-
                                            Lozano Long School of Med-       gree from Columbia University and his doctor of medicine degree from
                                            icine, we are advancing our      Baylor College of Medicine. He then completed a residency in Internal
                                            commitment to our commu-         Medicine at the University of Oregon Medical School and a fellowship in
                                            nity through excellence in pa-   Nephrology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dr. Henrich
                                            tient care, education and        held many positions at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, in-
                                            research,” said Ronald Ro-       cluding Professor of Internal Medicine, Associate Chief of Staff for Research
                                            driguez, MD, PhD, interim        and Development at the VA Medical Center in Dallas and Attending
                                            dean of the School of Medi-      Physician at Zale Lipshy University Hospital. From 1995 to 1999, he
                                            cine. “The Long School of        served as Professor and Chairman of Medicine at the Medical College of
                                            Medicine will never stop in      Ohio and Chief of the Medical Service, Medical College Hospital, in
                                            its quest to be one of the best  Toledo, Ohio. Subsequently, he served as the Theodore Woodward Professor
medical schools in our nation.” The Long School of Medicine con-             and Chairman of the Department of Medicine at The University of Mary-
sistently ranks among the top medical schools in the nation for grad-        land School of Medicine in Baltimore from 1999-2006.
uating Hispanic physicians.
  Since state resources now support less than 10 percent of our                Dr. Henrich served as the Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice
School of Medicine’s budget, it will be increasingly important that          President for Medical Affairs at the University of Texas Health Science
philanthropic gifts, such as that provided by Austin’s Joe and Terry         Center at San Antonio prior to being named President in June 2009.
Long, fill the necessary gap to ensure the UT Health mission of ed-
ucating the next generation of health care providers for our state           PHOTO CAPTIONS: Opposite Page: Joe and Theresa Long with Dr.
continues into the future.                                                   Henrich and students. This page: Joe and Theresa Long.

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