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The New BCMS Membership
Phone App is Here!
By Stephen C. Fitzer, BCMS CEO/Executive Director
As a BCMS member, have you ever found yourself looking for in- mittee meetings, board meetings, BCMS special events, medical
formation about the medical society and had no idea how to go community special events, deadlines, Spring Break dates, special
about getting that information? Maybe you are trying to find out seminars, etc. Besides listing the day and time of the events, it allows
who the president is and how to contact him/her, or you need to you to download the event and its details directly to your phone cal-
know who heads a committee, or who the staff person is that handles endar and, in most cases, includes a map of the location of the event.
something, or where an event is
being held and when and how to Physician Leadership — Photos of
get there? Your eyes roll back in BCMS elected leaders and committee
your head and you start thinking chairs along with their contact informa-
you will either have to try and nav- tion is displayed. You can even send
igate the website or call someone at emails, texts or make calls from the app.
the society for help. Those needs are
what inspired the new BCMS BCMS Staff — Photos of BCMS
phone app. managers along with their contact infor-
mation is displayed, and you can contact
Most of us have our smart phone them directly from the app.
with us at all times. It is our lifeline
to everything we do these days. The BCMS Committees — BCMS has a
invention of apps for smartphones large number of boards and committees.
initially had you downloading every You can read about the functions of each
app you could find that had any ap- committee as well as see the names and
plicability to your life. But as time functional contact information of both
went on, you found yourself delet- the committee chair and the staff liaison
ing apps you never used and you for each committee.
settled down to a page or two of
apps that you use almost everyday, Auto Program — BCMS has a one-
or at least very regularly. That is an- of-a-kind concierge automobile pro-
other thought behind the introduc- gram to help physicians, their staffs and
tion of the new BCMS app. One families find, buy, lease and finance (or
app concentrates all the informa- refinance) cars and trucks. With the app,
tion about BCMS including leader- you can fill out a form to specify what
ship, calendar, staff, maps, and how kind of vehicle you want and let Phil
to contact other docs. Hornbeak know so he can already have
the information together when he con-
The first version of the app displays the tabs shown in tacts you, or you can just call Phil and
the picture above, which provide you with the follow- he will populate the form for you and
ing information: ask you the questions necessary. You can also send Phil an email from
the app. It is by far the easiest car-buying app there is and you have
Calendar/Events — Events included on the calendar include com- the option of having Phil hold your hand throughout the entire
BCMS Publications — BCMS publishes the monthly San Anto-
10 San Antonio Medicine • March 2017