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A New Year and
New Opportunities
for Volunteerism & Community Service
By Leah Jacobson, MD, 2017 BCMS President
Feliz Ano Nuevo, Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu, Shana do this, including
Tova, and Happy New Year! It is with great enthusiasm and antic- spotlights in San
ipation that I write this article. Antonio Medicine,
attending openings of medical offices, etc. We need to be more in-
The year 2017 looks to be exciting — not only for the country volved in our community. I plan on meeting with government and
and state, but for Bexar County as well. We all anticipate that health- community leaders to see how the medical society and its members
care is going to change or be influenced by the recent elections, but can become more involved. We represent the medical community
do not know how. We must be ready. In this edition of San Antonio of Bexar County and therefore, should be involved in decisions that
Medicine, we explore the potential effects of such elections on the fu- affect us and our patients.
ture of healthcare. It is also a legislative year for Texas and we will
need everyone to help guide legislators with policies that impact the With this in mind, I would like our committees and councils to
health of our community and the provision of services. We are already take the lead with this. Beyond meetings, I think taking on a project
hard at work representing the best interest of the physicians of Bexar or an issue would add another dimension to their work and purpose.
County. There will be much more information regarding pertinent For example, the EMS/Disaster Preparedness Committee could do-
legislation in future issues of San Antonio Medicine. nate time or items to shelters, Red Cross, etc. The Women In Medi-
cine Committee could work with the Battered Women & Children's
As physicians, we take the Hippocratic Oath which includes the Shelter, or the Physician Rehab Committee could work with Haven
words "Do No Harm." This year, I would like for us all to continue for Hope or veterans. There are so many opportunities to make a dif-
to hold true to that oath and add to it "Do MORE Good" — Good ference in other people's lives. I know we already make a big difference
for our members, our patients, and the San Antonio community. in our patients’ and their families' lives, so let’s extend that!
I know that we all have very busy schedules, but if we could each Any organization is only as strong as its members, so I ask you to
find a little more time to do something for others, we could make a get involved! The Society is always looking for more membership
big impact. BCMS has more than 4,700 members. If each member involvement. There are many ways that you can be involved, includ-
volunteered just one hour a month, the community would realize ing serving on a committee, participating in lobbying on healthcare
over 56,400 hours a year. If everyone found one hour each week, issues at First Tuesdays in Austin, assisting with fundraising, volun-
that translates to greater than 244,400 hours per year! That type of teering at events, etc. We can always find something for you to do!
manpower would make a difference.
I am looking forward to representing all the members of the So-
I want our members to be passionate about the things with which ciety as the president in its 164th year. I want all of you to know
they are involved. The Society would like to help with these endeav- that I am open to new ideas, projects, etc. We won't know if some-
ors. One way we can help is through our website and Weekly Dose thing works unless we try it! Please feel free to contact me at leahja-
electronic newsletter. If we know about volunteer opportunities, we
will publicize them to our members and get more people involved.
We are investigating putting together a volunteer calendar on the With warmest regards,
website that people can go to with links to events. We also want to Leah Jacobson, MD
host or participate in related community activities, such as blood
drives and health fairs. The medical society has a fabulous building "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
which was built to be utilized by its members. We want to celebrate — Albert Einstein
our members’ accomplishments, so we will be looking for ways to
8 San Antonio Medicine • January 2017