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                                                                         IN REAL TIME

cious and beautiful. It was as though a patient who had been in the      Most of them were young men and women who were putting them-
hospital many times had designed it taking into consideration not        selves through college. One was a medical student. N would not let
only what the patient would prefer, but also the needs of the families   them sit, even for a second, demanding any number of things con-
who spend long hours in the hospital with desperately ill patients.      stantly. I spoke to each one about N’s condition and that he really
In the midst of intense mental anguish, it is soothing to see an amaz-   does not know what he is asking and to use their judgement. In the
ing piece of art work and for a few seconds your mind is uncluttered     morning they would have bonded with N who was happy and called
and you are just with that moment. Did I just describe meditation?       them by their name and they will say goodbye and wish us well and
My favorite is the ‘Blue Bonnet’ patch high up on a 40 feet wall just    some would hug N before they left. All is well with our profession.
outside the front entrance. I would stop and gaze at this beautiful
metal sculpture, a patch of blue bonnets by San Antonio artist Riley       During this period, N hardly slept. They were trying different
Robinson. It is so important for the caregivers to take a moment to      medications to help with sleep. N complained about frightening
recharge. I highly recommend reading the references I have given to      dreams. I stayed in the hospital every night. I did not restrict visitors,
fully grasp the caregiver vulnerability, not just for dementia, but for  nor did I make any announcement about the fact that he was hos-
so many other ailments that the spouse has to deal with.                 pitalized. He had a constant stream of visitors from the anesthesia
                                                                         department and my department. He spoke to them nonstop. Those
  Two of our friends had reached the University Hospital even be-        who visited N during that period saw him at the peak of his ‘Manic
fore I did. A few more arrived with food for all of us. All of them      Episode’ which was not considered at that point. It was masked by
physicians putting their heads together to figure out what caused        the other medical interventions needed, such as pain management.
N’s fall. The shoulder X-ray showed a fracture of the upper end of       Seven days after the fall he underwent surgery for the shoulder in-
the left arm (greater tuberosity of the left humerus) with the shoul-    jury. The head of the humerus was fixed to the shaft of the bone
der being pushed out of the socket. The orthopedic team came and         with a metal plate and about eight screws. Surgery was performed
placed the shoulder back in position. N was restless and moved a         by one of the best shoulder surgeons, Dr. Dutta, and anesthesia was
lot and the joint dislocated again and had to be repositioned. Those     given by none other than one of N’s colleagues Dr. W. After he was
two days when he was intubated and sedated were the most peaceful        moved to the rehabilitation unit, N’s psychiatric care was attended
days of the next three weeks he would spend in the hospital. As he       to by the psychiatry team that covered inpatients. The medications
was being weaned off the medication N was becoming a difficult           he was on were not helping him. He was getting worse in not being
patient, constantly demanding, and unreasonable. There was not a         able to sleep and he had unending demands every two minutes to
moment of peace for the nurses. Now I need warm pads, more med-          eat, drink, use the restroom, re-adjust the bed, and he would get
ication, bed pan, water, breakfast. He was intimidating. He would        into the mode of teaching. He made the caregiver sit and draw dia-
ask the residents who came by questions about pain medicines. One        grams of brain or spine or formula and then would explain mostly
night he made them break open 20 warm packs to place on his              sensible things to these people who neither had the time nor interest
shoulder. I discussed with the nurses for every shift his diagnosis of   but were very patient.
FTD and the behavioral aspects of it and that they should treat him
and care for him like any other patient and not ‘Dr.N,’ the high-           His inpatient care was coming to an end, he was so unwell. Can
functioning expert in pain management.                                   he go home in this state? However, the psychiatrist was unwilling
                                                                         to admit him to inpatient psychiatry, not a suitable place for some-
  I must digress to write about this profession of health care and       one who is still high functioning. I made the decision. N needs to
the people who choose this as a career — the physicians, the nurses,     be home. He needs his familiar surroundings, he needs Patch, his
the nurse assistants, the social workers and even those who are only     dog, he needs home-cooked healthy meals, and he needs sleep.
cleaning the place. The professionalism, the tolerance, the under-       Around this time for logistical reasons his psychiatric care came
standing and the kindness that was shown to us just reinforced my        under the guidance of Dr. Schillerstrom, someone N knew and
belief in this noble profession of health care and those who choose      someone who had done research work with him. N came home after
to pursue it. People of my generation often complain about the next      three weeks of hospitalization. Our son was with us and also my sis-
generation and how that personal bonding and caring is lacking. We       ter. It couldn’t have been a better time for N to come home for I
had one-on-one caregivers who are ‘Sitters’ who help the nurses.         had wonderful help. To be surrounded by family and friends is a

                                                                                                                                             continued on page 30
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