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2017 Ford Explorer

 By Steve Schutz, MD

  In 2008 Ford sold Jaguar Land Rover to         light shapes. Sure, there’s a lot that’s Ford    Improving fuel efficiency means, more
Tata Group, an Indian conglomerate, for          and not at all Range Rover, but there’s        than anything, cutting weight, while en-
just over $2 Billion. Unbeknownst to indus-      enough of a resemblance that your very own     hancing safety mostly means increasing size.
try observers at the time the company was        humble automotive observer is reminded of      Doing both is not easy, as you’d expect, but
sold, Land Rover was developing three all        the ‘90s song, “Things that make you go        Ford did it successfully in the new Explorer
new products: the Range Rover Evoque             Hmmm.” Given recent public criticism of        by making a host of changes that are illus-
(2012), the redesigned Range Rover (2013),       the new Lincoln Continental’s styling by a     trative of how automakers the world over
and the all-new Range Rover Sport (2014),        Bentley designer, I’d be surprised if Gerry    have been able to produce vehicles that are
all of which have been hailed for their gor-     McGovern and other members of the Range        more efficient and yet also safer. Most of
geous styling.                                   Rover design team haven’t made any number      those changes are boring and not worth our
                                                 of snarky comments over the years about the    time here, but a few are worth mentioning:
  It’s worth noting that, while those beauti-    Explorer to their compatriots at Ford.         1) Increase the use of lightweight materials
ful Range Rover designs were unknown to                                                         such as aluminum and magnesium, 2) drop
industry observers, they were certainly            Whatever, the Ford Explorer is undeni-       body-on-frame construction and substitute
known to Ford, which apparently, Ummm,           ably attractive and certainly a departure      a (lighter) unibody structure, 3) make vehi-
borrowed numerous styling elements from          from the previous models, which had            cles longer and wider, to maximize crumple
their former partners for use in their Ex-       changed remarkably little since the original   zones, and 4) move seats inboard, as far from
plorer SUV. While Ford passed on the             Explorer’s momentous debut in 1991.            the doors as possible, to keep intruding ve-
Range Rover’s formal upright greenhouse,         Many of the changes that came with a com-      hicles away from passengers.
they gladly cribbed its clamshell hood, chin-    plete redesign in 2011 reflect the twin
forward front end, block lettered name in all    modern realities of increasing fuel economy      Anyway, the new Ford Explorer, after
caps just above the grille, and head- and tail-  and safety standards.                          moving in a distinctly modern direction in

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