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                                                                       EXECTIVE DIRECTOR

results. The “Robinhood” strategy of the ACA will likely be altered.   be considered and in some cases adopted. Monopolies will be chal-
Insurance companies will likely compete openly across state lines.     lenged. Federal control over states’ actions will diminish. The prin-
The mandate for everyone to have healthcare insurance will likely      ciples of socialism and free market economy will be debated and
be altered or completely removed. The components of children stay-     accommodations negotiated.
ing on their parent’s insurance policies until the age of 26, and in-
surance companies being required to accept policyholders with            The Supreme Court will become more conservative as vacated
pre-existing conditions will remain, as promised, but I suspect that   seats are refilled. Federal courts across the nation will become more
will come with some twists. One of the biggest reasons the ACA         conservative as new appointments are made. Roe v. Wade will be re-
struggles financially is the cost of care for those who have cata-     visited. The ACA-type insurance mandates will be revisited. States’
strophic health conditions who were formerly uninsurable. Coverage     rights will be revisited. Religious rights will be revisited. All of this
of these patients caused everyone’s insurance premiums and de-         will impact the delivery of healthcare.
ductibles to be increased exponentially to compensate for the costs.
It seems logical that the government would offer some sort of second     The status quo is a very hard thing to overcome, even when no
tier underwriting of chronically and expensively ill patients, which   one likes the system. It is the nature of people to feel secure by know-
would allow routine healthcare coverage to be offered at reasonable    ing what the rules are and how things work. Change creates uncer-
prices to all.                                                         tainly. People hate uncertainty. Yes, even physicians who hate the
                                                                       bureaucracy of the healthcare system and the involvement of the fed-
  The CMS will change and will march to a different drummer, i.e.      eral government in their lives are afraid to change to something else,
the new president. The business approach that should be expected       because they don’t know what will happen under new rules. Change
from a free-market president would be to reduce bureaucracy and        is coming. Staying involved and participating in the process of
red tape. The principles of transparency of pricing will be debated    change is the only defense we have. Either we help shape the change,
and efforts to make healthcare more like a commodity business will     or we resign ourselves to live by what other people decide. Medical
                                                                       societies are all about involvement and ownership of change.

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