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I don’t think so, but fanboys of Ford, GM,        engine, and the extra torque was wonderful.     tow anything during my time with the F-
and Ram pickups will continue to argue this       Was it $8,595 wonderful? That’s up to you.      350, so I’ll leave it at that.
point forever.
                                                    Ford offers the F-350 in XL, XLT, Lariat,       The new aluminum bodied Ford F-350
  The interior, on the other hand, is a lot       King Ranch, and Platinum trim levels. My        pickup is a huge vehicle that has amazing
more advanced than interiors used to be in        test truck was a King Ranch, which was cer-     towing and hauling capabilities, and yet it
pickups. The seats are comfortable and al-        tainly nice thanks to many creature comforts    has a nice ride as well as luxury car-like tech
most infinitely adjustable, the gauges and        that used to be the exclusive purview of lux-   and creature comforts. While I’d never do it,
dials are fully electronic and oh-so high tech,   ury cars. Having said that, my tester had a     I can see why some owners use their Super
and the materials you see and touch are al-       sticker price of, gulp, just over $80,000. For  Duties for everyday transportation. They’re
most — almost — luxury car nice. There’s          a pickup truck.                                 impressive vehicles.
also Bluetooth phone and audio connectiv-
ity, apps like Pandora, and Apple                   Ford Super Duty pickups have always             If you’re in the market for this kind of ve-
CarPlay/Android Auto. Pickups used to be          been about towing horse trailers, campers,      hicle, call Phil Hornbeak at 210-301-4367.
so utilitarian back in the day. Not anymore.      and boats, and with that in mind Ford
                                                  boasts that the F-350 can now pull up to                            Steve Schutz, MD, is a
  F-350s come standard with a 6.2-liter V-        32,000 pounds of whatever behind it. If you                      board-certified gastroenterolo-
8 engine and a six-speed automatic transmis-      need to approach the towing limits of this                       gist who lived in San Antonio
sion. Ford offers its 6.7-liter turbo-diesel V-8  big beast, you’ll need the optional goose-                       in the 1990s when he was sta-
on all models for an $8,595 upcharge. That        neck/fifth-wheel trailer attachment, but the                     tioned here in the U.S. Air
extra money buys you greater towing capac-        standard (adjustable) under-bumper receiver     Force. He has been writing auto reviews for
ity, a heavy-duty transmission, and better        hitch is rated for towing up to 21,000          San Antonio Medicine since 1995.
fuel economy. My tester came with the diesel      pounds, which is a pretty big boat. I didn’t

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