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8-speed automatic transmission. don’t sound any better from behind the Audi’s excellent MMI system, which remains
For the record, Lexus’ speed/quickness de- driver’s seat, and that’s a big plus for the GS-F. the class benchmark.
ficiency would be worse if it weren’t for the It’s probably worth noting that as fuel The Lexus GS-F wasn’t born with a Ger-
GS-F’s relatively low curb weight of 4034 economy and emissions regulations continue man spoon in its mouth, but it’s a legitimate
lbs, which is less than the 4390 and 4387 lbs to tighten, Lexus will almost certainly give the alternative to the (faster) BMW M5 and Mer-
that the M5 and E63 weigh. GS-F a smaller engine with a couple of tur- cedes E63. Plus it has a wonderful exhaust
bochargers. I hope that doesn’t happen soon. sound that will make any drive more special.
In the real world, I don’t think those per-
formance differences matter. To borrow a Not surprisingly, the GS-F looks a lot like If you’re in the market for this kind of ve-
phrase from Coach Greg Popovich, in every- more pedestrian GS models, which is to say hicle, call Phil Hornbeak at 210-301-4367.
day situations the GS-F drives the way an understated except for the wow-look-at-that!
athletic luxury sedan should, but with a big grille. I can’t reconcile the totally anonymous Steve Schutz, MD, is a
dab of Nasty, which is what most people are rearend with the oh so extroverted face of the board-certified gastroenterolo-
looking for in this segment. Accelerating GS, but it’s not ugly either. gist who lived in San Antonio
quickly onto the freeway, tackling a fast curve in the 1990s when he was sta-
in the country with confidence, and hustling The inside of the GS-F is a nice place to tioned here in the U.S. Air
safely to the hospital when you’re needed — be, with upscale materials and superb fit- Force. He has been writing auto reviews for
that all matters. And the GS-F does those and-finish. Some of the upholstery and San Antonio Medicine since 1995.
things well, and it does them with attitude. other trim pieces are brightly colored, giving
GS-F owners a reminder that they bought
It sounds great while it’s doing it, too. As something special, but otherwise it’s
most readers know, turbochargers are the pretty standard Lexus fare.
enemy of exhaust sound, and there really is Lexus’ ubiquitous Re-
nothing like the howl of a normally aspirated mote Touch user inter-
V8 as it approaches the redline. The aforemen- face has been updated
tioned German super sedans are mighty vehi- over the years, but it re-
cles that can outperform this Lexus, but they mains a step behind
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