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Why I Became
   a Doctor

       (and other fairy tales)

           By Robert G. Johnson, MD

  I’ll take flak for this but here goes. The lead story of the May 2015  know — trying to explain marriage to your kid and stopping with
issue of San Antonio MEDICINE read: ‘Why I Became a Doctor’.             the honeymoon. Listened to the conversations in the doctor’s
There were five short articles by five different doctors. The first two  lounge recently? Not much gushing altruism there. The sequel to
were entitled ‘Ultimate Altruism’ and ‘A Calling Within My Soul’.        the article (and the true heart of the matter) should be “Why I
Here’s a smattering of quotes: “endless commitment and dedica-           Remain a Doctor.”
tion”, “a calling, divine or otherwise profoundly metaphysical”, “bet-
terment of the human condition”, “dawning moments of                       The third article (by a fellow orthopedist) at least dipped its toe
consciousness.” This brought to mind an Instagram that my 18-            into the lagoon of realism. Its author started by asking if it “is worth
year-old posted of his recent breakfast at IHOP. I wasn’t exactly sure   all the red tape”, then reminds us of “dealing with insurance com-
of the food group, but it was smothered in whipped cream and             panies and (government) regulations on how to run my practice.”
maple syrup.                                                             Now we’re getting closer to the real world. Along with my seven
                                                                         partners, we run a small business. We employ over fifty citizens, pro-
  Before you run me out of town with torches and pitchforks, I’ll        vide health insurance for them and their families, give out yearly
admit to agreeing with the above sentiments; it’s just like — you        raises and bonuses. Sometimes I find my altruism drowning in a sea

20 San Antonio Medicine • September 2016                                                                                              continued on page 22
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