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  On July 27, BCMS hosted Mari Robinson,
J.D., executive director for the Texas Medical
Board (TMB). Ms. Robinson led a CME pres-
entation on several topics pertaining to the
practice of medicine in our state, including
physician professional responsibilities. The
presentation offered attendees 1 hour of med-
ical ethics CME. Approximately 75 physicians
and practice administrators attended.

  Among the topics discussed during the hour-
long presentation were: legislation passed in
the 84th legislative session; regulation issues;
the TMB enforcement process and common
types of violations.

For local discussion on this and other leg-

islative advocacy topics, consider joining the

BCMS Legislative and Socioeconomics Com-

mittee by contacting Mary Nava, chief gov-

ernment  affairs     officer              at

Top photo: Mari Robinson, JD, executive di-
rector of the Texas Medical Board (TMB) ex-
plains the latest on TMB rules on enforcement
process during the CME presentation at
BCMS on July 27.

Middle photo: Common types of violations
was a key topic discussed and presented by
TMB’s Mari Robinson, JD.

Bottom photo: Executive director of the TMB,
Mari Robinson, JD, opened the CME presen-
tation on July 27 with an overview of legisla-
tion passed during the 84th Legislative Session.

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