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                                                                         IN REAL TIME

10% of all dementias. N’s diagnosis was based on lack of judgement,      months were an abyss into which he was slipping rapidly, and of
disinhibition and lack of ability to focus. His memory loss was se-      which he had no inkling.
lective in the sense he was completely not aware of his behavior.
There was no remorse, regret or guilt.                                     In this paragraph, I am sharing the insight I have gained about
                                                                         how important it is, particularly for women, to understand and to
  A Geriatric Psychiatrist was highly recommended by a friend of         be aware of and involved with the family’s finances. All I knew was
ours, a psychiatrist herself. He was an older physician, and was very    that my paycheck was automatically deposited to an account. I had
calm and confident. He had read N’s history from his chart. I was        an intuitive internal budget that I would not exceed. The rest of our
allowed to stay with N during the visit. The psychiatrist took a com-    finances were handled by N, who was meticulous and efficient.
plete history and then started doing a battery of tests that included    There was only one thing I had been stubborn about; that my
a list of questions. One of standard components of the test was to       money be handled by a different financial company. N often pointed
draw a clock and indicate the time. N was no artist, but the clock       out to me how conservative this person was and that my money was
he drew was egg-shaped and the clock hands were of equal length,         not growing. True it did not grow, but I am thankful that it is there.
however he did indicate the time. He made several errors in short-       It is probably the influence of my mother who would say to me and
term memory; several objects were named and after an interval of         my two sisters “Never put all your eggs in the same basket”. Very
doing other things the doctor would ask N to recollect and name          quickly we had to work on the medical and financial powers of at-
the objects. I was struggling to remember the words myself. N made       torney, access to bank accounts and what seemed like a million
many errors. I ached inside: N’s ability to remember was one of his      pieces of paper. Adversity is a brilliant teacher. I learned quickly to
greatest assets. He remembered chemical formulas, the anatomy of         handle finances. This financial indiscretion is a classic symptom of
the nervous system, botanical names of plants, dates of events, bank     FTD. Amidst all this cloud there was always a ray of hope. N in
account numbers, the dress I wore to a party, street address of every    some remote way knew that we had to do many things. He actually
house we ever lived in and, of course, passwords. He was my virtual      helped me to organize the investment files, cooperated when I had
web site. The psychiatrist explained his working diagnosis. He said      to get the powers of attorney. He did help me pay bills on line, and
it was a little late in age for N to show symptoms of FTD, however       when I could not recall passwords he asked “Who has dementia?”
based on the Neuropsychiatric testing and the behavioral symptoms
FTD would be the working diagnosis. N asked him how he had                 I was struggling to create a routine so we could both be engaged
done on the test, and was told that he had failed the exit test. N was   without stress for N, but at the same time not shutting ourselves
not happy with the answer. He was placed on medication starting          completely from society. We attended special lectures at the UT
at a very low dose. Since the end of January he had been advised not     Health Science Center, visited museums, attended festivals. We
to drive, and that was reinforced.                                       avoided parties and large gatherings. N’s sleep disturbance was get-
                                                                         ting worse. His talked continuously when someone visited. N, for
  N was a voracious reader and an avid grower of fruit trees. He has     reasons unknown to me, was obsessed with a Filipina web site. I can-
planted more than 100 fruit trees in our yard. He always mowed           not write explicitly about certain behavior issues yet. The purpose
our lawn and took care of his trees; He tended to his trees with as      of this narrative is to raise awareness. It suffices to say that “disinhi-
much care as he used pointing a needle towards the stellate ganglion     bition” is a hallmark of FTD. Then N’s brother came to visit and
for a nerve block. Pruning, grafting, vitamins and minerals, a lot of    threw a completely different perspective into the mix, the effect of
TLC (and, I suspect, a little singing at times) made these plants blos-  meditation. I promise to write all about it next time.
som. Since we returned from our trip he had not stepped into the
garden. When I suggested that he should try reading he said that a       Suggested Reading:
book was going through his mind every hour and he is unable to 
focus. However the tennis matches on TV kept him engaged for the
duration of the match. I tried playing a TV serial on DVD every          med.fdu080.full
night which he watched with interest.
                                                                                    Rajam Ramamurthy, MD,
  Our son and daughter came and stayed several days. February and                   Professor Emeritus, Pediatrics, UTHSCSA
March were the darkest periods of my married life. For N these two
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